On our bikes

Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Nin Binh, Ninh Bình, Vietnam
Soooo, a biking we will go !
Vietnam is very mountainous and as we go south the temperature is rising .
The first day was a tough 60 klms, but a beautiful ride, up hill and down dale, every young child running out for a high five or shouting hello from windows and doors. The quiet and the green is a welcome change and to see the much more laid back way of life. We would pick country life in a heart beat.
At the end of the first big ride we rolled into a very small town and our home stay accommodation. Thankfully we are really enjoing our small group, they are all happy and pleasant and funny and helpful, just as well as we all slept together that night, tucked in under our mossie nets. Dave woke up smiling so that was a relief.The next day our 80 klm ride felt a tad easier to begin with, but as the day got hotter it naturally got tougher. We are glad to be the eldest as we have no hesitation in taking a 15 klm break on the bus occasionally. No point destroying ourselves this early in the journey.
We are eating tons of great food...rice, noodle, chilli, crab, fish, duck, buffalo, snails, mango, pineapple, dragon fruit, bananas,and all washed down with gallons of water and electrolytes. The locals seem to be eating all day and they are all petite, so we will see if it works for us. Possibly the beer at the end of the day may throw the balance but it has never tasted so good.
Day two ended in the rice paddies, drinking mojitos and playing hilarious drinking games, then a very carnivorous feast of duck and we all fell into bed ! Separate rooms tonight and a real shower, what joy!
This is an amazing journey so far, tonight we ride the over night train!
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Eva Dosler

Wow, this is some adventure! I would find the communal sleeping a bit of a challenge nowadays, but the food sounds great!


Yay Rossie The blog has finally arrived.! Great pictures- what a great way to see a country and its people. Where those tables and chairs really usual size for the Vietnamese? x x x


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