In scarecrow country

Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Kenilworth, Queensland, Australia
G'day All,
 First of all i MUST WARN you there is a lot of Photo's so if you are of the sleepy type then i strongly suggest that you view this blog over several days thank you .

Well what a difference a night makes after a overcast and showery day yesterday we awoke to a glorious morning not a cloud in the sky, so looks like a good day to go scarecrow hunting, Ruth our friend had to go to the local school first up as they make the kids Pancakes every Tuesday morning before school, as a sort of breakfast thingie. So Nancy and i went an had a look at the ones in the town its self and the first one we came across was Miss Goldie outside the news agency, she was representing the gold lotto side of the competition and then across the road was the sportsman outside the butchers he was representing the different sports that the town enjoyed.

When Ruth returned we set off and had a bit of a tiff over where and how to get to the various places in the end we decide that the GPS is a good starting point and we set off to find the scarecrows, we were driving along when there on the right was our first victim oops i mean scarecrow, it was being harassed by a car full of old dears so i quickly rescued it and we took the pictures that we wanted and took off in search of more, a bit further up the road we found another one, and after we had taken pictures of it Ruth warned me about the gravel trucks using the road, me being me said yeah yeah and did the u turn and headed back up the road no sooner than done and a B double gravel truck came past.

Some of the scarecrows also are of a stick it in your face type thing to the government both Federally and State as this area was designated to be a Dam but the locals fought back as it was prime cattle grazing land as well as the home to some endangered species see the attachment to read about what it was all about (http://www ). As a result it was Victory for people power again in Australia.

We continued on thru the morning seeing some pretty good Scarecrows and some well ok, then it was lunch time and we headed to a town called Imbil where the pub has a nice lunch meal, unfortunately when we get there there is no sign of a lunch board so we went to the local Cafe and had it, typical of the country fare i ordered a works Burger(Hamburger with everything, ( bacon cheese, pineapple, beetroot, carrot, lettuce, egg, fried onion, and the beef pattie ) Nancy and Ruth had something light, after lunch we went looking for more scare crows in the area and after a wonderful day driving around this magnificent valley we finally got back to Kenilworth where i pulled up in front of the Kenilworth cheese factory and we went in and had a ice cream made by them and also i spotted some cheese that was on special a Red Malling aged fro 36 months for $25 a kilo usually $40 as we like the Red Malling I bought a block 1.5kilo's worth and put it straight into the cooler bag as it was wrapped in red wax we knew it would be ok in there till we could get it home.

So there we go a beautiful day was had by all and what a day to do it in as it is predicted that more rain is coming so we were lucky to have a lovely day out in a beautiful country side and thanks to the power of the people we actually got to see it with out driving miles around a dam that should not have been there .

Have fun till my next Trip in a few weeks,

Hoo Roo
Stewart and Nancy

Hello All,
How are we all i hope you all had a good nights sleep better than me stuck head first in a bag full of unmentionables, but today is the big day it dawned bright and beautiful ("reminds me of me ") and Stewart and Nancy were discussing where to go while Ruth went to the local school to help feed the seething masses some Pancakes.

Ruth arrived back and we were tossing up which way to go well we were, till Stewart started arguing to use the GPS and Ruth bless her cotton socks was trying to explain how it would be best if we went here, here and there to save back tracking, but in the end Stewart had his way and off we set looking for Scarecrows using the trusty GPS.

The first one we came across was on the opposite side of the road and Stewart spotted it but it had a car full of lovely old ladies all ohhing and ahhing over it and Stewart said "come on you old Biddies hurry up others want to look at it too" much to the disgust of Nancy who whacked him over the head, we then set off looking for more and we turned into a road that Ruth used to live on and we were hurtling along at a million kilometres an hour when all of a sudden i was exerted to some unbelievable G forces as i was crushed up against the back of the bag and my nose was just about pushed down my throat, Nancy said bloody hell man warn us when u are going to brake like that and Stewart said well there was a scarecrow over there and i just saw it i looked around and i thought this had to be an omen as we were parked out side a cemetery, after they had taken the pictures Ruth said be careful Stewart this road is used by a lot of Quarry trucks and 2 have gone past already and they usually travel in packs, no sooner than he had done his U turn than i reckon we were missed by a whisker .

We went off using the GPS and Stewart tried to blame Ruth on the fact that we were driving around in circles and crossing the path the same way, she said if u listened to me we would of gone about it sensibly but no YOU wanted to use a GPS that is not suited for this sort of thing, we came across some really well done scarecrows some with political statements others were just fun and showed the ingenuity of some peoples imagination one of the better ones we reckon were "Sid and Hilda" and a couple of others here is the web page to have a look at them and also it has since been updated and now shows the winner's ( ). We did not see all of them as some were not entered in till late but as for a fun drive and day out i would say 100% yes.

We stopped off at a little town Called Imbil for lunch then we went looking for more scarecrows but let me tell u i found her my heart went flip flop my toes curled as i saw her in the distance i knew straight away she was the one she was to be the new Mrs Cedric Abernathy Benjamin Squirrel the 40 Quintillionth (there are a lot of us) I was named after my father as he was after his father to save confusion we are usually called by number :) so i was always refereed to as 40Q and my dad was 39Q any way i digress as usual there she was sitting on her pedestal all glamorous waiting for some one like me .

Stewart said the name of the Road is not in the GPS (Duh) so Ruth directed us down a road and it turned into gravel and we were Country yeah finally the smell of fresh cow dung and beetles and bugs buzzing around your head the decaying smell of some dead animal how much sweeter can it get sure beats that smell of cars fumes and trucks and other chemicals being pumped into the air.

We finally headed home and they bought some cheese from the Cheese factory and then had dinner at the pub again Nancy was disappointed in her Lasagne as it was dry and had no tomato sauce in it at all just dried mince and bechmel cheese sauce and the pasta, so back to Ruths and bed.

I hope you have enjoyed coming with us every one and sleep well as we will be going on another journey soon apparently.

Cedric the intrepid reporter.

Oh oh post script you will all die laughing as i did when they got home Nancy cut open the cheese to pack it into smaller pieces and it smelt like old boots Stewart came out going what the hell has died in the fridge, Nancy then informed him he had bought the wrong cheese and it was a mature cheese he tasted it and went oh it is too strong for me so Nancy said get it out of my fridge and frezzer so he sold it later that week to a mate who had it with friends over the weekend . moral of the story is LOOK, TASTE before you buy.



Sounds like an awesome time was had by all...aspecially Cedric the intrepid

2011-10-13 had a whale of a time......and the Glass Mountains are picture pretty!


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