NY, Days 1 and 2

Thursday, June 26, 2008
New York City, New York, United States
We left Los Angeles on Tuesday morning, happy to say goodbye to the heat and the weirdoes on Hollywood Boulevard. We were also happy to say goodbye to the noisy room that left me tired and Steven with a nasty cold.

The flight was dull, but we were appreciative of the extra 5cm of legroom on United Plus .

On arriving in New York we checked into our enormous and delightfully quite hotel room then decided to have a look around Times Square. There was hardly a place to put your feet without standing on the foot of another person. The crush was exceptional!

Looking for food we eventually decided on The Olive Garden, a franchise Italian restaurant in the heart of the square itself. The food was better than expected, we must have been hungry.

Steven's cold grew worse over dinner so we deserted desert and retired to our super comfy bed around midnight.

Our plan for the following day was to walk to Central Park and back, if Steven felt well enough. It turned out he was healthier than either of us knew because we walked from 44th street to 75th, then back through Central Park to 51st and on to the UN, and down to 42nd for a look at the Chrysler building, Grand Central Station, the Empire State Building, Macy's at 34th street and back to the hotel on 44th. After a short rest we were in search of food and got lucky with an excellent Sushi bar on 43rd just of Times Square for dinner.

Despite our plans for an early night we arrived back at the hotel around midnight and slept well. Wednesday is going to be a big day, it's time for Chicago! Steven and I are both Broadway virgins, or if you like, babies. We're both looking forward to loosing it with the merry murderesses of death row.



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