Lanai we did try

Friday, July 20, 2012
Lanai, Hawaii, United States
  About an hour ferry ride from Maui is the small friendly island of Lanai. It seems as all the mean people went to Molakai and the nice ones went to this island. The locals here even agreed with us. We went with our friends Shara and Mike and decided to camp out on a beach since $210 was just too much for the official camp grounds. And they didn't allow dogs. Shara and Mike brought Bandit, their Shitzapoo.
  We rented a jeep from a small town, "Here's some cash, here's a car, OK see ya in 2 days" guy and headed for Lanai city . This place was tiny and cute. There was a church outreach happening in the park. The little shops and boutiques were welcoming and not insanely expensive like you would think a tiny island would be. Us girls explored and I got a little T-shirt and some postcards to scrapbook. Then we headed to the Garden of the Gods, a field of rocks and that oh-so-famous Hawaiian red dirt that stains everything. The beach we camped at was nice and Mike got to catch a few fish. One fish did end up stealing his line though, all of this line. Amazingly his pole remained unwound but intact.
  The next day we drove all around the island, not finding a thing and ended up back at the same beach for night 2. We did catch a distant view of shipwreck beach and a few old landmarks. The triathlon "Tri Lanai" happened to be going on so we routed on the bikers and runners left on the road. Bandit got cranky and bit Sam while we were getting coffee. He later snapped at him again and me. We gave him his space from then on. Usually that dog loves us but apparently camping isn't his thing either. Oh and unless you are on a quad, we don't recommend King Kamehameha's old fishing spot. Kaunolu is not a road for the fait of heart. 
  Shara and I snorkeled and saw some huge fish at Hulopo'e Bay while the guys got everything togther. My new "underwater" camera died the second it hit the ocean so no footage. :( I'm having horrible camera luck. There is no place to wash a car on the island so we dusted 4 inches of red dirt off with old towels and rinsed it off before enjoying a quaint picnic at the harbor and returning home. Overall, a nice island to visit. Would like to go again when I have $300/night to stay in the beautiful resort. I just really love not camping.



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