Thursday, December 01, 2022
New England, United States
Time flies when you’re on the road. Here is our year! After Samson and I returned to Washington in November, we spent even longer still at the duplex than expected. We made the best of the cold, muddy, Pacific Northwest holiday season with the biggest light display house ever, hot cocoas and a nice candlelight service at a church. We ventured outside when we, (I) could bear it. But eventually we decided that we would head out to get our 5th wheel and down to TX, already late. Sam flew to MI for work and Samson and I to OK. He met us there a few days later and we drove down to SPI. Sam went back to work in WA a week later, flying back and forth to spend time with us and complete the house restoration. It was a long winter with him mostly gone but the house came out great when he finished. Samson and I were surrounded by our friends on Island who took care of our needs, including fixing our broken toilet and driving us over the bridge when needed. (I am so not comfortable driving Sam’s truck and my van was still in WA. ) We did the norm in our Winter home and went back to OK in April.

My friend asked me to be there for the home birth of her 3rd in April. I was honored to hold down the fort and play with her two older boys while her daughter came into the world. She was due in two weeks so that gave us friend-catch up time and I could also help her prep for the baby. We made plans to give her and her husband their anniversary date night the day we got into town. The morning of I text her to let her know we were two hours away. She replied that she was in labor. I reiterated that I was 2 hours away! We dashed to her house and dropped me off while Sam and Samson went to see other friends. Beautiful little Annabelle waited for me to be there, because unfortunately there were some complications after her arrival that required a transport to the hospital. God held her back so I could be there to watch the boys and tend to the needs of my friend’s home while she and her husband practically lived at the hospital for the next few weeks. I’m so thankful God orchestrated the timing of all of this, for me to be there for her exactly when she needed, for God to give me opportunity to serve Him through serving her. It was a season of “little yeses” for me. I also gave a virtual sermon to a friend’s church in Pakistan. Lots of yeses. Praying for more opportunities.
Sam and Samson took a road trip together to collect our van and bug from Washington while I was in OK. They were gone 2 weeks which was the longest we’ve been apart! A bit achey for my Momma heart but I kept busy. When they came home we took a mini trip to Hot Springs, AR- collecting those National Park badges. We planned to head back to Michigan in May. My friend and I prayed for baby to come home from the hospital before we needed to go. Low and behold, she was. (I mean, of course!)

In May we returned to the most beautiful RV park and did more Michigan-y things like the Tulip Festival in Holland and the Woodward Dream Cruise car show. We popped back into OK to take care of some dental stuff for Samson and check out potential opportunities for about a week. Then in June came my favorite part of the year- maybe my favorite trip we’ve taken. New England! I had no idea I would love it as much as I did, or that I would be a history nerd. I am eager to return and explore even more. It was 15 states in 12 days, plus Canada. This was "road schooling" at its best. Samson and I had been studying American history up to the Revolutionary War and we got to see so much first hand. Also, Sam and I have always wanted to go to Maine. Additionally, Sam has now been to all 50 states! Samson and myself currently only have Alaska left! We found something in every state to stop at, even if just briefly passing through. A National Park, an odd road-side attraction, or something beautiful or historic. The best part for me, was walking on the very same cobblestones that my country-founding, liberty-defending, deep-thinking forefathers walked on. It ignited wonder in me! I loved it so very much that I went back to spend another 2 days there with one of my good friends a month later. I love Philadelphia! Oh, but just in the historic district…and leave before 5pm. Cuz, epp!

Sam spent much of his time in MI prepping for a BDR motorcycle trip in NM with 3 good friends in September. They left from Oklahoma and returned a week later. This trip was an adventure..I’ll leave it at that. But then again, if Sam is involved, when isn’t it? I will say God started really showing me that our prayers have the power to manifest things and change trajectories. He has started prompting me to pray when I need these types of things to happen. What a gracious God! Panic attacks used to be a torturous regular occurrence to me, now they only serve as warnings to loose and bind! Matthew 18:18-20
When he came home, we finished out our month with friend visits, fixing the truck’s transmission, and more travel. I had always wanted to check out New Orleans so we took another minivan-vlamping trip to cross off the Southern states. NOLA was so neat, but again, I wouldn’t go at night. Nor do I think I’d go during MardiGras. But it is cool to see its rich culture and history. The end of our time in OK involved Samson surgically having a cyst removed from his face. It was a lump continually growing larger under his right eye. All but the crazy long wait time in which he had to fast, everything came out nicely. 
Colorado was on our route out of OK where we did The Rockies NP and had the second best tamales in the world from a food cart guy. We hiked to the highest elevation National Park visitor’s center. We migrated back to Utah to see and help my patents with some things around the cabin. I got to harvest Mullein for my first tincture and yarrow for my first oil infusion. Can’t wait to see how they come out! We visited 4 more National Parks. At Great Basin we went on a lovely hike in 70 degree weather and had lunch on a glacier! So cool. I finally got to get us to the Ashcroft Observatory in Cedar City where we got to see space through a powerful telescope. Saturn’s rings, Jupiter’s moons, our moon’s craters, and many starts were on display. We went on a quad ride with my dad, (a frequent thing in my own childhood.) Again I was prompted to pray during the ride and within 2 minutes there were other riders coming around a corner way too fast. There could have been a collision. Did my prayer prevent this? I like to think it did! On the day of the eclipse we were in the perfect line to see it! It was awesome to be in the right place at the right time.
We made a couple of trips back and forth to Vegas. Samson and I got to have Thanksgiving with my family there and had a really nice time. I want the “Fun Aunt” title so I made a few games for the kids to play. My cousin hosted and we got in a really nice visit. I really appreciate family time and I miss how much we had when I was a kid so I try to jump on the opportunity for it as often as I can. We also got in some great friend visits before heading out and on for a short visit to Tuscon, then to our South Padre Island, but not before more transmission issues.

We have had many the travel problems this year. Tires. So many tires replaced. And as we were getting into Padre this year, we found substantial damage to our 5th wheel from poor road conditions. Not sure what the insurance company will say yet. More of, “we’ll see what’s next.” In the mean time, we’ll be hanging out in South Texas for the Winter. It was relieving to see the island come into sight. We were met with sunshine and the open arms by our fellow Winter Texan friends. It’s good to be back here. Pray for no big storms because I hate them, all but that after you find more sea-beans. My parents are scheduled to come down for a month for Sam and Samson’s birthdays and hopefully another big SpaceX launch- as we just missed the last one. Misquotes are terrible this year so pray for that too. Our plans after are likely to return to UT/NV and then, as usual, it’s up in the air! Scroll down to see 8 million photos. There’s more details in their descriptions too. ;) Blessings to you and yours! <3