So it is only 8pm. Stan and I can barely move..... It was only 10 ks.....It must have been the early start...Or maybe it was the sea air associated with the ferry ride across. It could NOT be that we are so unfit that the bikes could have caused it.
The day began easy enough
. Checkout of the Bannisters, stroll down to the wharf to enjoy a lovely breakfast whilst waiting for the ferry. Onboard we missed out on the good seats for taking photos... hense there are none here. I planned to stand up once the journey began, but the sea was too rough for that. So rough that we had a lady behind us on the verge of throwing up for virtually the whole journey,,,
Once on the island, we could not checkin till 2pm, so we had a little ale to pass the time and then collected our mighty bikes. How much fun was it to ride everywhere!! The settlement is very flat so we were full of confidence peddling to the grocery store to collect out suppies once we had the key to the cabin.
Ambition kicked in and we decided to ride to Parker Point - A recommended snorking site with underwater information plaques. We didn't even taking the snorkel gear!! How far can 5ks be. Well.... we forgot that it was hilly. Getting there was lovely. The views were wonderful, and the beach worth the trip. We were even visited by a family of friendly quokkas.......BUT getting back on the bike. I had saddle bum. Stan's knee would not work.
Luckily coming back was much easier than going there - more down hills and with the wind. Made it to the pub for a pint and a meal.......But now back at the cabin, we are struggling to reach for our glasses of wine.
The Mighty Bikes
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Rottnest Island, Western Australia, Australia
Other Entries
1What a start to the holidays - Swans Win
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2The Road South
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3The day of decadence
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4Another tough day on holidays
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5The Offical Winery Tour
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6To Collie
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7Around Collie and Bunbury
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8Out and about with Ranger Steph
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9About The Football
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10Larisa's birthday
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11A day of rest
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12To Kings Park
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13The Mighty Bikes
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14Cyling and Snorkeling
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15Homeward Bound
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