Today we finally made it into Perth. We caught the train into the center, with the plan to walk to Kings Park. Stan got distracted in the shops and collected a Man Bag along with other incidentals. The walk to Kings Park was more uphill than I remembered, but made lunch all the more enjoyable once we made it. Larisa gave us a tour of the gardens. The wildflowers were amazing. Stan worked on his photography skills......Larisa won again! Stan also tried to befriend the dodgy legged magpie.That didn't worked so he settled for the man who was feeding the magpie. Larisa showed us the trick of the War Memorial which is shaped in such a way that whispers travel all around.
Before we knew it the garden was closing
. We walked back down to the city, planning to have dinner at the Barracks Wharf and inspect the Bell Tower. Walking down Mount Street was an experience as it seemed every jogger and cyclist in Perth was testing themselves against the hill.
Unfortunately the Wharf was being renovated, so it was all closed up. We decided we were craving the mussels at the Mussel Bar in Freo. As last time they were unhappy with us for not booking, we decided to book. To our dismay, they told us they were booked out!!!
Once in Freo, we roamed the streets, reading restaurant menus - nothing appealed. We tried our luck at the Mussel Bar. Stan begged the waitress, promising we would be quick, we only wanted mains AND we knew what we wanted. She let us in....What a lovely ending to the day..... And the rain stopped long enough for us to walk home.
To Kings Park
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Other Entries
1What a start to the holidays - Swans Win
Sep 2111 days priorBallajura, Australiaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
2The Road South
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3The day of decadence
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4Another tough day on holidays
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5The Offical Winery Tour
Sep 257 days priorCanal Rocks, Australiaphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
6To Collie
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7Around Collie and Bunbury
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8Out and about with Ranger Steph
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9About The Football
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10Larisa's birthday
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11A day of rest
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12To Kings Park
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13The Mighty Bikes
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14Cyling and Snorkeling
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15Homeward Bound
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