Good morning, it’s a full day ahead as we are off to Blackpool, Jayne and I are going up the tower to the viewing deck, I’m buzzing but she is petrified as not the best with heights.
We left the farm at 9 and we’re in Blackpool by half past, we had time to have a little mooch around the shops as out ticket for the tower was 11 o’clock. I could tell Jayne was nervous as she kept asking the time. We made our way to the box office at about quarter to 11 and that was it, no turning back now. When we were in the lift the colour drained out of her face and she grabbed my hand with an extremely sweaty palm, she hates heights but put herself through it as she knew I was ted to do it. When we got up to the viewing platform she was very dubious about stepping on the glass but was fine standing on the normal floor by the side holding on to the rail. I stood on the glass and took in the views, it was fab and I really enjoyed it, Jayne took on the role of photographer. I encouraged her to get on the glass and once she realise that everything was safe and that she would be ok she took it all in her stride. I am so glad she done it as she was buzzing as it is a big achievement if you are scared of heights. As a treat we had a drink at the 380 bar to celebrate, it was bloody lovely.
We done a bit more shopping and then popped round to see Leanne again before coming back to the farm. The 2 places are such a contrast, Blackpool is so run down and deprived whereas Garstang is so rural and peaceful (apart from all the animals baaing, mooing or cock-a-doodle doing)
We had yet another lovely bbq dinner and chilled out under the gazebo trying to make the most of the occasional breeze that blew through. At about 9pm I called it a day as I needed get ready as I am off home tomorrow (yes, I know, the hottest day on record) oh well, at least there is air con in the car.
Well, I’ve had a blast and until the next time - goodnight x