Itinerary - Bid farewell to your Tuscan hosts, today, and journey back to the airport to check in for your flight home.
The alarm woke me up at 6.15am and after a quick shower I check I had everything and left room 50 of the Biondi Hotel and handed my key in at the reception. The hotel wasn’t the best but it was spotlessly clean and all the staff seems friendly enough. The coach came at 7.20 am and we all left with our packed breakfast as though we were going on a school trip. It comprised of a cheese roll, a ham roll, a tart, a nectarine and fizzy water - I made sure the water was drunk before we got to the airport. It was good to see that normal service was resumed and that Mr first off the bus was first off the bus, him and his wife were both very strange individuals. Once I got checked in and through security that was it, I could relax. Pisa airport is really small so it didn’t take long to look in the shops so then I went and found a cool, quiet spot and started on the pack up. It wasn’t the best food known to man but it was passable and not too bad based on the biondis standards. I saved my jam tart for the plane to go with a nice cup of coffee. It was slightly chaotic at the gates as there was east jet and Ryanair going out on gates next to each others within 20 minutes. Eventually we were boarded and left about 15 minutes late. I had a window seat going home which is great but I have a religious Italian lady next to me who keeps crossing herself and sighing deeply, I was very concerned when she was inspecting the sick bag! Coffee and Diet Coke for me on the way home, how different inflight drinks are when you have to drive home. Inflight shopping resisted even with 25% discount on the brochure price. We have managed to get an hour in to the flight before the bite on my ankle as started to play up. Not sure what I would prefer, cold feet and normal ankles or swollen itchy ankles that look like tree trunks? There are lots of carers and clients on this flight! at least none of them had a turn and in fairness, they may have been better to sit next rather than the “spread your legs”Italian lady.
The drive from Luton was fine and it was good to get home at a good time so reality could set in and I could get my washing and shopping done so I can be back to normal for tomorrow and work.
I’ve had a solo holiday and now I know I can do it alone there is no stopping me so until the next time “arrivederci”