Finally, it is lift off day. We woke before the alarm and were ready in super quick time. We made our way over the road to the terminal and headed to the checkin desks which were all 'manned' by old people. Check in and security was a breeze and then it was time for a bit of retail therapy. The woman in Jo Malone was about to give me the wrong perfume until I corrected her and I was most disappointed that there were no freebies with the purchase hey ho, I'm gonna smell a million dollars. Whilst we were in the shop a worker from a different shop came in and sprayed themselves all over with the testers and then left - maybe she hadn't had a wash before going in to work? Next we made our way for some breakfast, we are like a couple of old tits, we shared scrambled egg on toast and a sausage sandwich between us washed down with a great big orange juice. It still didn't feel like the holiday had begun so we went to the champagne bar - cheers, that's better. We made our way to gate 102 and boarded with no issues. Jane is super happy with her middle seat as she has the option of pissing 2 people off when she needs to go to the loo, I bet I know what person she asks to move.
Time to watch something - Barbie - what a load of crap, I had to turn it off after about 20minutes - political correctness gone mad. I decided to watch the tui travel guides and there are a few new places added to my list of places to go, Costa Rica, Cape Verde and the Maldives. We are only 2 hours in and I am bored, maybe time for a quick nap.
Lunch was good but I would have much preferred it if the family that were too tight to book seats together (who were moaning about the food) didn't stand with their arse in my face as I ate. How much damage do you think I can do with a wooden knife? Just as well my patches have kicked in as a few months ago I would have gone mental, the lady next to Jane did ask if I was ok as I did use a few choice words. I'm sure I would have faced serious consequences as we were all warned in an announcement by the flight attendant that bad behaviour would not be tolerated.
Now time for Magic Mike - OMG - I had to turn it off within 10 minutes as I was embarrassed about what other people would think about me watching such filth!
I expected the flight to be quite relaxing but I felt it quite stressful, why can't people control their children's rather than let them use the aisles as a playground or parade them up and down as though they are some sort of trophy - bring on the turbulence and seat belt sign. As if by magic, this happened - not sure about Magic Mike but Magic Sam manifested turbulence and the seat belt sign has gone on mind you, the drink's trolley has come out too so maybe it is just so they can complete service without obstructions. Well, the seat belt sign is back off so the kids and baby paraders are back in full swing. I am tempted to stick my foot out in the aisle and watch the carnage. If I've not got an arse in my face I have got a kids foot! Ahhhh, why can't people just keep sat down and to top it all someone has farted - I can't wait to get off this plane. Note to self, I should have double patched.
I expected the flight to be quite relaxing but I felt it quite stressful, why can't people control their children's rather than let them use the aisles as a playground or parade them up and down as though they are some sort of trophy - bring on the turbulence and seat belt sign. As if by magic, this happened - not sure about Magic Mike but Magic Sam manifested turbulence and the seat belt sign has gone on mind you, the drink's trolley has come out too so maybe it is just so they can complete service without obstructions. Well, the seat belt sign is back off so the kids and baby paraders are back in full swing. I am tempted to stick my foot out in the aisle and watch the carnage. If I've not got an arse in my face I have got a kids foot! Ahhhh, why can't people just keep sat down and to top it all someone has farted - I can't wait to get off this plane. Note to self, I should have double patched.
Finally, we touched down at Cancun airport and that is where the real trouble started. It took 3 hours to get through passport control, baggage claim, immigration and to our airport hotel 3 miles away! Just as well we had speedy driving the mini bus transfer, he was bombing along the motorway, overshot the slip road so he then started to reverse back along the motorway and eventually got on the slip road and us to our hotel, thank god we only had a quid as a tip cos believe me, he was never getting anymore.
We got booked into out room, 238, and it it pretty good for a night, it has everything we need including a microwave! After a quick turnaround we went down for a beer and some nachos with guacamole. Tonight’s beer of choice was pacifico and believe me, we bloody earnt it. We waited for the rep to turn up and tell us all the details for tomorrow and guess what, she / he never turned up so we haven’t got a clue what is going on. We have decided that we’ll get up for a 6 o’clock breakfast and hope for the best. Off to bed we go not having a clue what is going on.
Goodnight, let’s see what tomorrow brings?