At the beach

Thursday, February 15, 2024
Playacar, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Good morning, oh what to do today - doss. We got ready, had breakfast and then met with the rep to book coco bongo before getting ourselves settled on sun beds for the day. There was a man with 1 big boob and 1 small boob in front of us, there was no scaring so it wasn’t anything sinister. There was a woman on her own fron England who kept taking the drinks when offered by the waiter but I never saw her drink a full one. There was a young, northern couple with a baby behind us, the baby was good as gold but maybe not the best place to bring a little baby. The sea is a lovely colour blue but very cold so my feet is all I braved today. Time for a drink at the swim up bar, that was bloody cold to but at least there was a reward at the end ofit, wine and soda followed by a shot called ‘shit in the grass’ courtesy of the American bloke sat next to Jane. The shot was a green liquor topped with a white coffee drink with a blob of chocolate sauce - the chocolate sauce sinks through the white liquid to the bottom of the green one hence ‘shit in the grass’. Apparently you can get a pink pussy and a wank in the bush too!
Back on the beds the roughest woman from Manchester started talking to us. She was really common, every other work was F***   (I know, coming from me that is saying something) and she decided she wanted to talk but only about herself and wasn’t really interested in what we had to say. Luckily we were having a late lunch so had to leave her and then when we got back it was just a case of pretend you are asleep. She explained how this holiday was so she could have some time for herself and that she came away leaving her 4, 6 and 8 year old children at home with her ex partner, I bet the kids were relieved to be away from the slapper mother.
Another lone odd ball was brummy short ass come over, he was a bit letchy and we reckon he was zooming in on slapper Manc so he could re enact some of the shots ie, pink pussy and wank in the bush. 
After lunch I had a fabulous siesta and when I awoke there was bingo in every language going on, loud music and just general row - hey ho - people were having fun. Another hour on the beds and then we were cooked for the day and came back to the room to see what delightful animal was on the bed.
There are loads coatis scavenging tonight, they are like raccoons and about the size of a cat. They have a long snout and we saw one that was partial to crisps as he was walking along with a packet!
We got back to the room and were greeted by the nasty drain smell but it’s surprising how quickly you get used to it. After a lazy hour or so we decided to get ready and go for a mooch in the shops, it’s quite nice having them on the doorstep even if they are all the same.
We went to the Italian for dinner and I had seafood linguine, bloody lovely. Next it was for the entertainment, luckily we had missed some as we were later out but the karaoke was in full swing -  OMG - the slapper from earlier had tagged on to a group of American people and when it was her time to sing there was her and another girl doing slut drops etc - is this really what I signed up for? Some of the singers were ok but there were also some that were horrific and Jane found it really disturbing when all the kids where having a go at 11 o’clock at night. Luckily, by half eleven it was all over so we came back to the wiffy room for our first night so totally relaxed sleep - goodnight x



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