First Day

Friday, May 17, 2013
Sifnos, Cyclades, Greece

Well after months of wishin an hoping we are off hopping again, why not?

Taxi booked and Fred arrives and we are off!

I tell Jean I`m ready to roll if she wants to rock again all she has to do is put a drink in my hand .

Drop our bags at the speedy bag drop and wait for departure. We board and two clowns are late and we are then delayed awaiting papers. So we leave about twenty minutes late. Pilot says flying time will be 3 hours 55 minutes, which way is he going, west? He then says we will be flying over the North Sea, what? We are to fly over Amsterdam, a bit of a red light to me.
I had to forego the usual bombing raid on the cheese eating surrender monkeys, where could that be?

This arrival time is 12-50 later than the generous arrival time and I resign myself to missing our 2-55 boat and will have to catch the Speed Runner at 4-30 but, that comes at a price.

We follow a Russian plane in and we are able to disembark quickly. We are straight through customs and then have to wait for our bags. After a few minutes they come through and ours are there within the first six off! It`s 1-15, there is a bus at 1-20 down to Piraeus . We rush through the airport and the X96 is there. Jean stands by the door as I queue for the tickets, get them, put the bags on and he`s off before I sit down. We now have a chance of catching the Adam Korais as, these drivers go faster than my angels can fly!

We get to Piraeus and Jean sees the boat, off we get and rush around the quayside, get our tickets, jump on. Ten minutes to the off, what a load of luck!
Before we set off Jean wants to dine so I`m off to get the cheese pies!

There were a few drops of rain whilst on the bus, makes you feel at home but, it clears whilst we are on the boat and is nice and warm. Nice and steady trip down to Sifnos, calling in at Kythnos and Serifos. We fall asleep on each others shoulders, Jean says it was romantic I was just tired I think!

We arrive about 40 minutes late and then we pull our bags up to Myrto Hotel. A very nice room. It`s getting late so it`s straight out to Da Claudio`s for a pizza. Sounds very Greek? But, at least I did have a Mythos, so that`s alright isn`t it? Enjoyed it.

The excitiement for the day isn`t compete yet as when we get back to the room, the lock on our new case bought at Tesco`s wont open!

Off to sleep, it`s good to back again.



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