Hi Everyone!
My application for the Iphone called "An Unofficial Guide To Disneyland Paris" is now available! It has been a labor of love for the past 6 months
. Actually, the idea for doing this came from my friends, who had been downloading my blog to take to the park with them. One said, "I wish you could make it easier to take this along. Maybe you could make an app or something!" And so, I did. I was not a quick process but I am quite happy with the outcome. The only issue is the fact that they insisted on using my given name for the app...which no one knows or uses! I must find a way to fix that, but that is another story.
So please feel free to pass the link along to anyone you know. Friends. Friends of Friends. Your postman. Your postman's 2nd cousin once removed. You get the drift. Anyone who might be interested. And may the gods of IT karma bless you for this!
The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Paris
And Viola!
An Unofficial Guide to DIsneyland Paris
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Other Entries
1Disneyland Paris: Day Tripping
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2Disney Paris: Appalling Child Security Processes
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3Disney Passes Explained / Toy Story Playland Opens
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4Disneyland Paris: Best rides for toddlers
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5Romance with Ears: A Preschooler "Date" at Disney
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6Quick Reference Chart for Parisien Theme Parks
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7Disneyland: 10 Attractions to AVOID with pre K's
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8Character Meals at Disney: A small gift of sanity
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9Navigating Disney with a Broken Leg
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10Halloween at Disneyland Paris
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11Characters You DON'T Want to Meet at Disney Paris
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12Birthdays at Disneyland Paris
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13An Unofficial Guide to DIsneyland Paris
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14New Ebook "An Expat Mom's Guide to Disney Paris"
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