One month to go

Sunday, September 11, 2016
Faversham, England, United Kingdom
This time next month I will be in Lima, all being well. That's 6,353 miles from where I am now according to Google. I think I may have travelled a bit more than that because I have to fly to Madrid first to get a connection to Lima. Any way you look at it I will have travelled a long way from my own front door. It seems unreal that after all these months it's almost here. I've still got a few things to sort out - travel insurance and currency being the two most important - but on the whole I'm now just looking forward to being on my way.

I keep looking at the schedule for the entire holiday - it's massive! This is hardly a surprise but now it's getting so close I'm paying more attention to it . Lots of different hotels, modes of transport and things to do and see. I reckon I'll need a holiday to get over it all.

I'm a bit worried about the altitude but I've done loads of running, walking and swimming to improve my fitness and aerobic capacity so I'm hoping I'll be OK. There will be time to acclimatise and I'll be taking a bundle of painkillers with me. One way or another I am determined that my health will not hold me back for the high altitude in Peru and Bolivia. There's quite a bit of walking in Cuzco which is at about 3500 feet but I'm hoping that by the time I get there I'll be getting used to it. La Paz is at 4000 which is the most I get to but there's no trekking or anything when I'm there. 
This is a once in a life time thing and I will be making the most of it. Apparently there's this leaf that you can chew that is supposed to help with the altitude adjustment which I might try depending on how I get on. After Peru and Bolivia it will be back down to more normal levels of altitude in Argentina and Brazil so there shouldn't be any of that type of problem there. 

One thing's for sure there will be no running at altitude - I'll leave that to the likes of Mo Farah!! I'll save the running effort for the streets of Buenos Aires or Copacabana beach in Rio - it's a tough job but someone has to do it. 


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