Tickets have arrived - WOOOOOO!!!!!! HOOOOOOOO!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Faversham, England, United Kingdom
Just over a week to go before I depart. This time next week I will have finished work and it will be all systems go. This is very exciting!! 

I rang up the travel agent today to see when I was going to get all the paperwork through . They told me to expect it any day and when I got home it was on the door mat. Everything in a posh travel wallet but then it's quite a posh holiday I suppose.

I can hardly believe that it's almost here. I've got some money sorted out, I've got some sleeping pills for the long flight out and on Friday I'm getting some anti malaria pills. All I'll need to do then is get some travel insurance and check in on line and all the boring administrative stuff will be done. It will then be a matter of deciding what to pack, what to load up on the kindle and the tablet and getting down to the serious business of having an amazing time.

When I went to get the sleeping pills the doctor gave me a prescription for 14 tablets - I thought he would maybe give me 1 or 2. Apparently he gives them to his mother-in-law when she goes on long haul flights. He said I should try them out before I fly out so that will be at least 1 decent night's sleep coming up (hopefully). This will be the first time that I will have taken a sleeping pill for a long haul flight but I want to try and avoid jet lag on the way out as much as possible. I'll have the altitude to cope with and I don't want jet lag on top of that. After all, I'm 50 years old - that's the whole point of going on the holiday in the first place.



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