Tango & Gauchos

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Buenos Aires , Bolivia
Last night it was off to a tango show. Some of the people on the tour are a bit snobbish preferring to get on the dodgy Agentine internet to try and book over priced tickets for a tour of the Opera house. Stuff 'em! 9 of us got picked up at hotel and went to a restaurant for a 3 course meal, with drinks & coffee included. After that it was over the road to the tango show. The place was small and we had front row seats! There was a band with piano, double base, 2 accordions and a violin. There were 4 pairs of dancers and they were all brilliant. There was also another band with 2 guitars, a drummer and pipe player. There were 2 solo singers as well. They were all good but the tango was the best. I was just blown away by it. The 2 hour show was over in a flash. We had had champagne at the table during the show so it was just as well travel back to the hotel was included. I didn't fancy getting a taxi after that. So far that tango dancing has been the best night out of the holiday. I couldn't get any photos - they were OK with you taking them but the dancing was so quick any attempt would have been useless. Not only that, I didn't want to miss any of it!

Today there was a choice of either having a free day in the city or going to a ranch . Well the city is nice but a ranch on the Argentine pampas? Got to be done! Me and Tina (the other single woman in the group decided to go). The ranch isn't a going concern anymore - if you want that it's many miles away and who really wants to visit a modern day commercial beef farm? This place was tourist central but still a great day out. Amazingly I rode a horse - I'm not a fan of horses but the chance to do it was there so I thought I'd give it a go. It was only when I was on it that I worried a bit about what would happen if I fell off. Vague thoughts about Argentine hospitals passed through my mind but it was all fine. Needless to say the horse was very docile but I managed to get on it, make it go forward, left, right and (most importantly) stop. I also managed to get off it without incident which is more than I can say for a cocky German 20 something bloke who couldn't swing himself over the horse to get off it. I tried for a nano second not to feel smug but I couldn't help myself - me, a 50 year old woman made a better job of getting off a horse than a bloke about 30 years my junior . In your face youth of today!! 

After that it was time for lunch. Bring on the prime Argentine beef cooked over wood. If only my nightmare next door neighbour who ruined my summer at home with his disgusting efforts at barbeque could have seen that beef. My word it was good. There was plenty of salad and red wine to go with it too. This was followed by a bit of music and dancing which, helped along by the booze went very well. The day was finished off with a horse show which was also pretty good. We got back into the city at 6.30pm. No need for dinner so packing yet again for another stupidly early start in the morning. A short flight up to the Argentine/Brazilian border to see the waterfalls. Just 1 night there before the final stop before home - Rio de Janeiro!

The internet in this hotel is poor and I can't upload any photos. When I get a better connection I'll put on some more photos of Buenos Aires and the ranch. Don't expect to see any of me on a horse though. The will never be ready to see that!

Managed to get a good Internet connection at the airport so I've put the pictures on now
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