A little quiet

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Montevideo, Uruguay
Today was quite possibly one of the first days I've spent on my own this trip (and there I was worried about getting lonely...).

Thankfully I managed to wake up without my alarm and made it to the ferry station with plenty of time . The ferry ride took about an hour to Colonia and then was a two hour bus ride to Montevideo. The bus ride was nice, though I've certainly seen more spectacular scenery on my trip so far. The landscapes actually looked surprisingly similar to the Australian countryside with a lot of eucalyptus and other familiar greenery.

The bus didn't drop me off anywhere near where I expected, so I ended up walking about an hour to the hostel, but it was nice because I had to go right through town. I've spotted lots of good shopping to fill my time in with tomorrow! 

The hostel I'm staying in is a bit cute and I have a six-bed dorm to myself which is nice. How could I possibly not choose to stay in a hostel that has this description?

"Our Hostel is a place created just for you, where the plants will be your company, breakfast pure energy, where the sleep after along and tiring day at work or after a chilly night or a beautiful day at the beach will be a pleasure . Welcome to our house, your castle."

Aww :)

So I headed down to the water for a quick wander before going to a veggie restaurant for dinner. I arrived just in time to catch the end of a spectacular sunset (albeit from a very awkward angle and not at all conducive to taking an amazing photo). I didn't realise until tonight just how much I miss being near the ocean, so I spent a good hour just sitting near the water. Granted that was partly because the restaurant didn't open until 8pm and I had some time to kill.

I'm starting to get used to Buenos Aires time where no one goes out to dinner before 10pm and bars don't start to get busy until 3am, but at least in Buenos Aires the streets are busy. Here literally everything is closed and it is the first place I've been in the whole of South America where I don't feel entirely safe on the streets at night - yet somehow the restaurants don't open until late anyway. Didn't make much sense to me.

Anyway, I'll upload a couple of quick photos and head to bed soon. I acknowledge that this wasn't the most exciting entry.
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