01/12/12 22:30
What a crazy day. Went into town and had a great sushi dinner with cheap cervezas and Gina had a $3 lemon grass martini. Visited our friend David who we talked with a lot last year. Happy to see Natural Mystic, a great little restaurant he opened 18 months ago, is doing well. I had bought a six pack of Atlas beer in town and had just started smoking a fine Cuban my friend Chris has given me prior to leaving Costa Rica (thanks Chris-I'm putting them to good use). Gina was sitting outside when we heard a crash into the bamboo tree overhanging the outdoor shower area. Startled we looked up and didn't see anything at first. Then slowly, a sloth emerged down a branch, to about four feet above our shower area and sat there, as we looked at him and he looked at us. Rain eventually chased us inside. It still was a very excellent ending to a wonderful day with my beautiful wife.
1/14/12. 8am
Have to pack up after breakfast and leave our sweet upgrade to move to town for a few days. Back to our budget friendly reality. Bocas is such an easy area to be in. There's so many different beaches to hang on and our bikes can get us most anywhere on the island. My rarely used bike muscles are screaming at me though. Yesterday after biking into town we took a water taxi to Red Frog beach. Busy and popular beach, lots of people and young local boys who try to get you to pay them for showing you their little red poisonous frogs that they catch. Not a bad gimmick and they probably do a good business! It does make me wonder when these frogs will become extinct like so many others. Returned to town by water taxi and knew we'd be racing the rain on our bikes back to Coralina. didn't take long for the skies to open up and we were drenched. Maneuvered under a roofline and waited for a taxi to come by and threw our bikes in the back of the truck. Had a good dinner at Coralina - I had sauteed shrimp on a bed of warm fruit, pineapple, banana, watermelon, and sprinkled with coconut Michael had a seared ahi tuna steak. Dessert was carrot cake with a Kahlua cream cheese frosting. The rain continued, so we hung in our room with a good bottle of wine ($8 at the grocery store!) and played Scrabble on the ipad.
i've attempted to add some pics, but they seem to be going under Carpe Diem, our former trip. If you're interested, look around the site and you'll find them. They should all be under Montezuma. Seems like we just got to CR and spent the first few days bragging about having 3 weeks left and now our last week is starting to tick away.
Sloths and red frogs
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Bocas Town, Bocas del Toro, Panama
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