Deep in country

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Finally a day without any real incident. I worked for awhile, things slowed down early so I availed myself of a blessedly long hot shower and then packed up and rolled. Found a gas station that was a little tricky but I pulled it off. I am getting better ... despite having some moments where I am completely unequal to the task at hand.

Stopped two other times for gas and a break for the dogs . After the hard day of driving yesterday, they were kind of resigned to it - happily surprised when he had little outings. 

Longest break was at a 'travel center' (truck stop) for gas and lunch (Popeye's. Big parkinglont so we picked a spot and stayed a while in the camper. Went for a couple of walks. Worked. Posted a picture of my empty popeye's cup to torment Rhiannon. 

The drive was pretty and so very easy. Big long flat sections of road - gentle curves, rolling hills.

Rolled on to a convenient but unromantic RV park on the western outskirts of OKC. Concrete paradise. No trails but a nice, fairly large (by campground standards) dog park. I needed a city spot because I have a plumbing issue and the nice mobile repair guy will be here at 9. I need to shop and I needed to stay put for awhile and work.

I unhitched - which I hadn't bothered to do on the other two nights . Made a walmart run. I'm sorry. I only do it when I'm traveling with the camper! I had to correct two dog-related catastrophes... the big water bottle dropped to the ground when I opened the back door and shattered. So I needed a new one of those. Got a bigger one ... the base/bowl is bigger, Baloo will like that. Then half of the little poop-baggie holder that goes on the leash disappeared along the way somewhere... so I needed a new one of those.

Wanted to buy cream for my coffee but they didn't have my brand. Bought a local organic farm eggnog instead. Happy Christmas! The weather is a little brisk but not cold like it was up in the hills. Today it is expected to get to 80!

Not sure how far I'll get today, because I'm not sure how long my repair will take. But somewhere mid-Arkansas, I think, leaving a reasonable drive on Wednesday to Huntsville. 
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