I will skip the banter about leaving later than planned to make the drive to Orlando and the stress related to the what ifs; possible traffic jams micro burst storms, etc. and skip straight to reality.
We made it to Orlando timely and even through the tortuously slow check in line only to find out our flight from Orlando to Boston was going to be 50 minutes late. Normally not much of a delay, however, our connection window for the flight from Boston to Iceland was 50 minutes so this presented a problem. Quickly we strategized and located most of the passengers that would also be attempting this connection in Boston. Plan A, me, being the front most passenger of the group of Icelandic travelers, was to push through first class upon landing and run ahead 2 gates down, enter the gangway, and proceed to trip, faint, flop, sieze, or provide any other delay tactic appropriate to allow the others to catch up, without triggering a federal FAA tactical response team. What actually happened was, they called ahead and let the plane know we were coming as we arrived with 3 minutes to spare.
Most likely for their own entertainment, the airline staff advised us to "RUN" as they could not guarentee the plane would wait. The doors opened, and off we ran, mask blocking breathing, bags flying everywhere, and the gate attendant in sight. Thank goodness for others, and the fact they really were waiting for us, because my delay tactics started early as I dropped first my jacket, then a rain coat... AM was able to get there with the others while I gathered my items and caught up. Whew!! We all basically virtually high fived and considered ourselves lucky to make it on this flight.
Skip ahead since the flight was uneventful, and we arrived in Keflavik. After jamming a qtip to the back of my brain, we caught our shuttle to our campervan rental to pick up our mobile hotel and start our quarentine for the next 5 hours while we await the covid test results.
I must mention, we have yet to sleep in it, but I did not realize vans could be so small. Annemarie says that's because I'm American. Apparenlty they have micro vans everywhere else. Blog posts moving forward could contain some interesting van life stories.
We checked into our quarentine hotel, napped until the negative tests came back, then walked Reykjavik checking out the sights I will show in the photos.
Tomorrow we are off to snorkel between North America and Europe.
Patricia Hauge
I’m so happy that you’re having a good time on your trip, and that you’ve included me to enjoy it through your blogs. Have fun and stay safe, love ya nephew❤️❤️
Your narrative is very entertaining and descriptive. I felt like I was there! Hope the rest of the trip is less stressful and you two have a great time.
Sis In Law
So jealous already and you just got there! I’m so happy for you two! I hope it’s the trip of a lifetime!! Have fun! Can’t wait for more pictures!!!!
Have fun!! I want to visit Iceland! I hear it's amazing!
I am living vicariously through your very descriptive narrative and loving it! The pictures are great. Be careful ❤️❤️❤️