Today was the day to go fishing. In town word was out the red fish had started their run up a river about 20 miles outside of town. 5 guys, fishing gear, and 2 cases of beer and off we went. The drive was beautiful with endless tundra backdropped by still partially snow blanked mountains. Arriving at the river we immediately found Dolly (river trout) very active. That lasted for a bit, then the river was silent. Idle time was perfect for enjoying the company, beer , and some exploring. Then, just like that, 3 red salmon were spotted. This is the point when 5 grown men ran back and forth around the river, like a group of little kids for the next 8 hours. The salmon come in groups from just a couple to large schools of 40 or so. The excitement that ensued every time a fish was on was something to witness. Fishing from a bridge to see better, once hooked, the angler has to quickly make their way off the bridge to the river bank. What an experience. Highlighting the day, we spotted a momma moose with not one, but 4 calves. Unheard of!! Once back in towns, we returned to the camp and enjoyed a midnight dinner of fresh salmon. And yes, I did have a taste of The raw fish eggs, just because. Oh, I almost forgot, on the way back from the river we spotted a beaver and a stick that everyone thought was a gigantic crawfish. ( I said it was a lobster)
Day 4 - Salmon!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Nome, Alaska, United States
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Big Daddy
When your mom sees this she's going to want to fly north tomorrow with her fishing pole instead of back to Florida
Big Momma
Yes, I do want to fly up there and fish! The fish looked delicious by the way. The pictures are great. I want to see the moose and babies as well as the beaver