Washington DC: I2/2000 Different trip. Zoo & Meriweather Post Mansion
Weather: mostly cloudy; some sun Temperature: 30's Humidity: v dry
Lodging: Adams lnn in Adams area of the city. Only stay here if you are comfortable living in a eclectic somewhat alternative neighborhood. The inn is not a very stylish place.
Dinner: Mama Ayesha's 1967-Calvert VG Kibbe & salad $20
Walked over Rock Creek with its nice park and hiking trail on the Duke Ellington bridge on Calvet St. There was just a little water in the creek that was frozen with just a hint of snow remaining on the ground. I caught the red line subway at the metro stop a half a block across the bridge to the mall. On the way to the mall I came across a City pocket sculpture garden on 7th, 1 blk N of Consitutution. There were about 8 large pieces all by the same artist made from sheet allumium. (see rear of photos for ID)
First stop was the National Archives where I viewed a large exhibit of historic, up to current photo exhibit. It was excellent: included Hine, Steichen, Adams, a few FSA images and some by photogs I didn't know of who worked for the govt.
Next I went to the National museum of Art which is kitty corner to the Archives. Before entering I explored the sculpture garden that contained Calder, Tony Smith, Oldcnburg's circular typewriter eraser with brush. The plaza has pyramid skylites. I waited about 40 minutes to view the large Art Nuvo show on the movement's 100th year anniversary. This was a fabulous show encompassing all the cities and countries that were major centers of of the style.
The next day I spent the morning at the National Zoo and the afternoon at the Meriweather Post Mansion. I walked a few miles from the Zoo to the mansion. Interesting to discover the neighborhood, which is not tour territory at all. Half way is a very nice French restaurant that I did not eat at but did stop in picked up a menu.
You have to have reservations ahead of time to visit the mansion. It is a fabulous place to visit. Has great series of gardens, including a nice Japanese garden and collection of Northwest Indian art collection as well as one of Russian objects. Her husband was a ambassador there in the 40's I believe. If you have the time, this is a special gem in DC.
National Zoo and the Meriweather Post Mansion
Wednesday, December 27, 2000
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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