Up Pompeii

Monday, September 21, 2015
Napoli, Campania, Italy
Early start from Bacoli and after breakfast we were on the road by 9:00. Traffic a bit busier and slightly more crazy after the weekenders !
Headed for Pompeii which was about an hours drive . Very busy when we got there but a nice Italian man showed us were to park and charged us €10 parking and €5 to mind the car !
Bit of a queue to get in but once through the gates it was amazing. Neither of us are into ancient history really but this was immense. Huge area with masses of intact buildings, mosaic floors and wall paintings and all from 24 August AD 79. While most of Europe was living in mud huts they had brick build shops, saunas and under floor heating. If it hadn't been for that pesky volcano ! Oh not sign of Frankie Howard either.
Left and made our way to Furore which took about an hour. Apartment is tidy, clean but basic but the views are spectacular.
Just drove down the road a little and had a pizza the size of a dustbin lid.
Full and sleepy so night night and look after yourselves xxx



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