2/8/2013 to 4/8/2013
We took the back road to Tara which is sealed all the way now
. Before leaving Tara we visited the local gas man - a real character who's yard was filled with gas cylinders, a school bus, and a big bus we was fitting out ready to travel in. Marg &Tony had a gas leak in their cylinder, turned out to be gauge, so all was saved by this fellow and a bargain $3 for a 4kg gas cylinder refill.
We also visited the Slab Hut Museum - which is on the property of the original homestead, built by Russell who established Cecil Plains Stations (200,000 acres) in 1841. The prussian explorer Leichardt came through here and befriended Russel, he built the Slab Hut stables that still stand today.
The Tara camel races are held every 2 years on the Tara Show Ground - this year they had a record turn out and we shared the designated camping ground with Hundreds of other other RV,s.
This event is well run, with a lovely country laid back feel. The campers were allowed fires if. They were contained and so a lovely smokey atmosphere prevailed each night
During Friday afternoon we rode into town about 1km and explored the main street, in the evening there was an Oriental Festival on the show ground - and they advertised a lovely meal for $10 - due to the popularity of the festival all food was sold out by the time we arrived at 6:30 - so back to camp for a rib eye on the BBQ - no one was complaining.
Saturday was the big day - we started by watching a sheep dog trial demo - it is amazing to see how in sync the dog and handlers are. Interspersed with placing small bets on the camel races and watching them run from the grandstand we explored the various displays and stands until we met up with Larry, Vicky, Mick & Lynn (friends we met on our trip last year). After a superb Dorp Lamb Burger for lunch - and a few more races - we all headed back tot the vans, for afternoon tea. At 5pm the 4 of us caught the courtesy bus not town and headed to the Commercial hotel to watch the Brumbies get beaten by the Chiefs in the final of the Super Rugby.
Sunday started with a bush poets breakfast followed by a different sheep trial demo - this time using ducks instead of sheep - these dogs and handlers are real smart. More camel races and more let downs by the likes of Go-Anna, Paulie & Peter Pumpkin. Entertainment on the main stage included the family group called The Twines - they were finalists in last years AGT.
Things were winding down by lunch time so we spent the afternoon with Mick and Lyn at our vans - mick played and sang while we all clapped in time. they left us before we made our own fire - because by now we could get a fire ring - and Tony cooked pork spare ribs over it, accompanied by potatoes cooked in fire , pumpkin and beans.
Tara Camel Races
Friday, August 02, 2013
Tara, Queensland, Australia
Other Entries
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2Tara Camel Races
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5Nindigully Pub on the Moonie River
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7Moree to Yarrie Lake
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9Apsley Gorge to South West Rocks
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10The way to Woolgoolga
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