Top Of The Rock & retail therapy

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
New York, New York, United States
An early start, with a coffee stop of course, before we walked down 5th Ave to The Rockefeller centre, the home of NBC and The Today Show, which they were filming - but more interestingly they were filming an advert for Oceanspray Cranberry Juice - the one where they are knee deep in Cranberries.

The advice we had been given was to got to The Top Of The Rock, early - this was certainly the way to do it - no waiting at all . The lift take 45 seconds to go up 67 floors - the viewing platform is terrific, it was a little hazy - but well worth doing as you can see the Empire State Building from it, something you can't do if you go up the Empire State Building itself.

Finally It's time to shop - the Japanese department stores called QLO was our first stop, followed by another stroll down 5th ave, by now the shops are open, to Macy's the biggest department store in the world they Claim. It is very overwhelming - but we had fun making our purchases, prices are very impressive on cloths and shoes.

Terry and Rick had to go to a special bank to collect a credit card so we caught the bus back to the Time Square half price ticket booth (TKTS), where we met up and purchased tickets to the 7pm show " First Date" a musical comedy with Zackery Levi and Kristy Rodriguez in the leading parts. It was short, slick, funny and exceptionally well done - we loved it and would highly recommend it.
$ 70 a ticket.

Before the show we found a Juniors - for New York Cheese Cake and a Rueben Sandwich, washed down with Vino and Tea.
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Helen H

finally found your blog. about to read it all. Just wanted to say hi. All good here. I will ask it to notify me for more entries. you seem to be having fun. love to you both. Helen x


Have now read everything and waiting or the next entry!! Memories for me of some of the places. My nephew Chris lived there so he walked me everywhere plus the boat trip and of course some underground and taxis. Cheers


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