Day 12: Oktoberfest !!!

Monday, September 28, 2015
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
   Today is the big Oktoberfest day! Everyone is excited to join the beer festival and Carlos will wear the Lederhosen he bought in Bad Kotzting. We take a funny group picture before going to the subway. After we arrive at the Oktoberfest, we slowly make our way to the Schottenhamel Tent. Here Ade, Gitti and Karsten meet us. We look for the section Munchner Kindle Boxe where our reservation is and have a seat. We place our orders for beer, appetizers and our half chickens. Everytime the "Ein Prosit" song came on we drank a toast. Tom and I had 3 one liter mugs during our lunch in the tent. The beer and food was great, but the service sucked. I even tried tipping the waitress during our service to see if she would pay more attention to us, but it didn't help. 
   After lunch we went to the older section of the Oktoberfest so Miah and Ade could go on a ride . We walked around to buy souvenirs, I bought pins for my Oktoberfest hat and gifts for family members. After everyone was done getting gifts we headed back to Manu's place.
    I took this moment to go one block away and visit the hotel we stayed at in 2013 to have a beer at the bar. I found a seat and ordered a beer. It has been bought by Italians and doesn't feel the same, so I left and went back to Manu's. Carlos wants to see what the Oktoberfest is like at night so Tom, Carlos and me head out to see the nightlife at Oktoberfest. 
    We visit the Tent selling big fish cooking on a stick over an open fire pit. One fish costs $32 and so we share it. Next we go to a ride that you have to jump on an incline moving belt that takes you up about 50 feet to a stairway. Here you walk up and then slide back down with a mat. I jumped on and stayed on my feet while riding the belt. Carlos was not so fortunate as he fell down and rode it up on his back. As we watched most people fell down as well. We also visited a small beer tent so Tom and I could have a beer. I ended up buying a few more pins and then we headed back to Manu's place. We only stayed about 90 min and got back around 10:30 PM. 
  A good long day of celebrating!!



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