Today we started the day by attending the church where my grandpa pastors. We had a little adventure driving there on our own as the road was under construction and we didn't have cell service to bring up a map. We made it there before service started though, so it all worked out.
Grandpa pointed out that his great grandson was in the congregation from the pulpit, so it seemed worth the effort to get there
. After service he proudly introduced Desmond around to his coworkers and friends. My cousin Makayla took the opportunity and showed us the office she is using while she interns there with the youth.
Then we left in search of lunch. We've both been craving teriyaki since I mentioned it back in Philly. So we began our quest of Anchorage to find chicken and rice. We found a place advertising it on their window, but it was a fruit smoothie place. Dubious, we were going to try it anyway, but it turned out they didn't serve food before 2pm. So we went next door to a place that said they served "Chinese comfort food." We both were able to get a plate of teriyaki chicken and rice and left satisfied.
We went back to home base and took a Sunday afternoon nap. Then Uncle Larry showed up. He is in town for work. Bonus family! After another batch of (what everyone are calling) miniature cookies, we went out and Uncle Carl showed us his drones. Larry, Bryan and I even got to fly it! Fun stuff. It has a camera attached and takes video as it flys. It was really cool.
We finished the day off with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa, some leftovers, and Keaton and Bryan playing a game of Axis & Allies.
Drones and Bonus Family
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Other Entries
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5Smithsonian Day Two
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6Capitol and Train Day
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11Family Fun
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13Drones and Bonus Family
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