After our nap we began to think of dinner. Not sure what we wanted, we planned to walk towards Chipotle and stop at whatever else struck our fancy along the way. The first Chipotle that Siri guided us to was in a financial district, and was closed. Undaunted, we chose another Chipotle on the map and continued walking.
Along the way we saw lots of names of places that we recognized. There was Kingsway, Scotland Yard, Drury Lane (where we unsuccessfully looked for the muffin man) and finally we stumbled right into Covent Garden. At this point we had been surrounded by people and open restaurants for some time, but we still hadn’t found anything that sounded better to us than Chipotle.
Finally we made it. Those bowls of food could not have tasted better! And they are the closest to what we find in the states of any of the Chipotles on foreign soil we’ve tried thus far. Though, I did feel it best to steer clear of the pico de gallo and corn salsa. They didn’t look quite as expected.
We decided to keep walking and enjoy the lovely evening. We wandered across the bridge and along the river again. We decided to get ourselves a cider to share, but niether of us cared for it, so we eventually discarded it, despite it being “cold and wet.”
By the end of the day, we had traveled 15 miles on foot, and it felt like it! We were so looking forward to sleeping the night through. But it was not to be. Around 3:30 AM we were awakened by the sound of water pouring in our room. If I didn’t know better, it sounded as though someone was relieving themselves onto our carpet! Upon closer inspection we found the source of the sound was our air conditioning unit. The flow slowed to a steady drip from the ceiling to floor. I placed the ice bucket strategically while Bryan called the customer care line.
The gentleman that arrived looked at the air conditioner and informed us that it “will usually stop.” He offered to get us some towels, and assured us that he had no other room to move us to. So, the rest of the night there was a drip. Drip. Drip. Drip...
F & L
Drip drip drip might spell points back to your account?
I'm sorry about the non-sleep, but glad it sounds like you're taking it in stride and not letting it slow you down. Can't wait to hear abut the show you saw.