
Sunday, July 15, 2018
London, England, United Kingdom
This morning, after we polished off our omelets, Bryan went and talked to the person in charge of customer care about our leak situation. Fortunately, the man that had come up to our room last night was just getting off shift and was able to inform the man coming on of the situation. Bryan politely mentioned that it was still dripping, and that we were both Gold members and had not asked for a upgrade upon check in (which you are encouraged to do) but that we are were asking now. They obliged. 
We packed up our bags and left them in the room to be moved as we were instructed, and got on with our plans for the day.  The night before we had decided this would be a day for less walking. We had looked into going to the Imperial War Museum, but because of a special air show going on, we opted not to spend the extra money for standing in the sun during the hottest part of the day. We hope to see it later on in the trip when there aren’t extra crowds and expenses. So we thought sitting on a bus tour to Bath or some such might be nice. We spoke with the  concierge, but since Bryan had let me sleep in this morning, all tours for the day had already left.  So, moving on to Plan C, we took the Tube out to get tickets for a show. 
We got there a bit before the booth opened, so we sat in Leicester Square and enjoyed some live music from a busker as we waited. We were among the very first in line. Just behind us, were a friendly family. As we chatted about what show we might like to see, he asked, “Where are you from?”  “We are from Vancouver. ” Bryan answered. “Oh! We are just from Kamloops.” We didn’t have the heart to tell our “fellow Canadians” that we weren’t neighbors. 
We got ourselves tickets to The Play that Goes Wrong, which was a comedy that had been highly recommended to us by our friend, Shaye. Jaynie had also recommended a show by this playwright, so we were sure we would have an enjoyable evening. With tickets in hand, we said goodbye to the Canadians and walked through Hyde Park over to the The London Natural History Museum. 
This building and the collection it housed were quite impressive. Again, entrance was free.  The huge hall at the main entrance displayed an enormous blue whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling. All the walls, archways and collumns were engraved ornately, and the windows were stained glass. It was quite beautiful. After looking at a Dodo, giant sloth, and many fossils, we stopped for lunch. 
It was a sit down restaurant, and the burgers turned out to be quite good. They were also allergy conscious, and informed me of the buttermilk in the buns, so that was handy. After we had eaten and guzzled down a big bottle of water (it is hot today!) we continued on. The highlight of the museum for us was that we saw all manner of dinosaurs. It was fun. 
After that, we went back to the hotel for our daily siesta. Resting in the middle of the day is an important part of our travel routine. It allows us to escape the heat of the day, and have the energy later in the day to do more than we might otherwise.  Today we stopped at the desk and they had upgraded our room. We are now on the tenth floor (previously on the fifth) and our room and amenities are nicer. We have Executive Lounge access now, as well. 
Once we were rested, we headed back out for dinner and a show. We got some teriyaki bowls at a restaurant called Itsu. Then we headed over to the West End to see our show. The play was a riot!  We thoroughly enjoyed our evening. After the show we walked back along the river to the hotel. We were feeling hungry, but at 10:00PM on a Sunday night, many restaurants were closing down. We grabbed some snacks from a convenience store. When we got back to the room, we FaceTimed Desmond, who told us all about being on the way to the beach with Nonnie and G.B.  He seems to be having a very good time. 
On a whim, we checked out the rooftop bar at our hotel. It seemed pleasant, but we didn’t see anyone eating food, so we decided to go back to our room and eat our snacks we had purchased. We also enjoyed the Finnriver pear cider that we brought with us from Portland. 
It was midnight before we turned in for the evening. Bryan mentioned that breakfast tomorrow opens at 6:30, and I scoffed. 



The Natural History Museum was the first museum we took in, and very much enjoyed it. I like geology, and could have spent a lot of time studying all the rocks and minerals upstairs! I hope you guysget to do the Imperial War Museum!


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