Our last full day of our SoCal adventure so we drive back north to the LA area. We decide to hit the beach and have lunch overlooking the Pacific Ocean. What better venue than Santa Monica Pier? Rather than enter Santa Monica Pier from Route 66 and park on the Pier, I park just south of it in a public parking lot. With this approach, we enjoyed our last walk along the Pacific coast beach; saw beautiful scenery and even a gal working out on the rings (see the video). Perhaps she was with the Cirque-du-Soleil troop I later discovered was also at the pier?
We climb the stairs and immediately note the end of Route 66 as it enters the pier parking lot
. We stroll to the end of the pier – to the Last Stop Shop. Just beyond it is a sweet ride that I'm sure my nephew Dan would enjoy working in – "You in the pink thong bikini, stop right there".
We have a leisurely lunch overlooking the Pacific and then watch the fisherman.
Next is our early morning flight out of LAX and I have found a five star hotel to stay in - NOT. Well, the points I used allowed us to stay for free and it was only for one night. We return the rental car, walk back to the hotel and get a free ride to the airport in the morning. And, well, those guys talking Arabic in the hallway for much of the night certainly were not planning anything sinister - Insha'Allah.
Thanks for getting married Rob and Tara. It gave Casey and me an excuse for a beautiful and much needed break. Welcome back from your honeymoon and let me know when you post your travel pictures. That is, if you took time to take any ;-)
Santa Monica Pier
Friday, March 23, 2012
Santa Monica, California, United States
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