Not a Beach Day Yet

Friday, March 15, 2013
Key West, Florida, United States
3:00 AM - an ad-hoc rendition of something close to "On the Waterfront" occurs outside our window. “Stella”, or whatever female name is being bellowed. “Stella, I'm on my knees. I’m literally on my knees. I’m not like your Ex. You gotta meet me half-way here Stella”. (If you read this blog, you know who you are and you know this is true). Could you have been a contender? Nope – just shut the “F” Up!

I was awaken early to a discord of roosters crowing . A brisk morning walk to the Southernmost Beach and a quick decision that this day would NOT be a beach day. Did I mention the fact that when I planned this vacation, there was snow on the ground where we live in Lovesttsville, VA. It had snowed the week before, and snow was forecast for the following week? Did I mention that when I planned this vacation it was 30 degrees in Lovettsville and 80 degrees in Key West? Did I forget to tell you that one of the reasons my fingers were numb on the boat in the Everglades was that a “Cold Snap” had swung through ALL of Southern Florida and the temperatures were much lower, the wind much higher, and the resulting wind chill factor – not kind to bare skin. Casey commented on a few occasions that she should have packed heavier clothes. But the sun was shining; it was MUCH warmer than back home. So we headed off to the Southernmost Butterfly Museum known as the “Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory”. Not that we have visited a huge number of butterfly houses, but, this one is our favorite . The butterflies appeared to really LOVE Casey’s red sweater! We were surprised by several interesting birds. The birds were Quail especially chosen from Japan and China in order to eat the bugs that are attracted to the fruit that is set out for the butterflies. Everything was kept perfectly in balance. Casey loved the Orchids too!

We used our trolley ticket from the other day to take a ride down to Mallory Square for lunch. Unfortunately, the trolley was full. However, with that amazing 100% satisfaction guarantee hanging over their heads, they dispatched a new, empty trolley to pick us up. This trolley served two couples for the remainder of the tour. Another private tours at group tour prices!

With Mojitos in hand (mine a Key Lime Mojito and hers a Ginger Mojito) we enjoyed the mini-tower containing a variety of raw oysters and clams at Alonzo's Oyster House. I had heard their happy hour was great, but we were too early for that. Located with a view of the marina and docks, Casey slipped out to take some pictures of Pelicans that were hanging out to beg scraps from the returning fishermen as they cleaned their fish. Also, our son, J.J., had called to insist that we visit Kermit’s Key West Lime Shoppe while we were there. As a frequent viewer of cooking and travel shows, we knew where we were going to have desert. At almost $5 per slice, Casey and I shared one. For grins, we investigated the cost of shipping one home for Casey’s “office mates”. $38.95 for the pie (and I assume a cold shipping container) and $46.21 to ship it comes to $85.16 for a single 9” pie. Ummm. They can make their own. We will bring them some lime juice and a recipe.

Walking back to the cottage, Casey found a big-ass Kapok tree to stand in front of and I found Marilyn Monroe at the local movie house – The Tropic Cinema.



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