2:00AM - the disharmonious singing of some kind of school anthem? Some kind of sports talk? Was Albert Einstein Gay?.
Later, I am awaken by the clamor of roosters crowing
. The variety and number of activities in Key West are tremendous. Snorkeling, Kayaking, Jet Skis, Sailing, SCUBA diving, Helicopter tours, etc. There is even an all-day tour to the Dry Tortugas where you are provided with breakfast and lunch, given snorkeling gear, and can visit Fort Jefferson. All this is located 70 miles off the coast of Key West. We did not want THAT MUCH of a commitment to fun. Heck, Cuba is located 90 miles off the cost of Key West! Why not visit Havana while you are at it? Actually, Cuba is 94 miles away, but ever since JFK told everyone it was 90 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, people say 90 miles.
The proprietors of the Andrews Inn highly recommended Danger Charters. Umm. Do you really want to go with a firm providing you with outdoor activities named "Danger"? We chose their “full day” Sail, Snorkel & Kayak Day Trip”. The excursion features guided kayaking through wonderfully enigmatic mangrove islands, snorkeling on pristine and uncharted patch reefs and wrecks, and, of course, sailing! As I watched the fully loaded ½ day tour leave at 9:30AM, I felt the era of our private tour at group tour rates had come to an end
. Boy was I wrong!
As we climbed aboard the sailing ship “Dangers Prize”, I noted two things. The first was that this voyage would be limited to 4 couples and a crew of 2. The crew – 2 women. The female captain – Wendy – told us that women guests love it because, well, they get to see women doing what is traditionally thought to be “manly” stuff. The men guests love it because, well, they get to see well exercised women in bikinis running around on a ship all day. With only 4 couples, this ship was 1/3 full. Wendy told us this would be a “Private Charter” style adventure.
The “First Mate”, or whatever you should call the other person on the ship was Amelia. She had studied ballet dancing at the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet in Carlisle, PA. It is recognized throughout the world for providing the finest in classical ballet training. Who would have guessed that? She never went to one of the famous car shows there and I'm assuming my Brother-In-Law (by marriage) Phillip (who often goes to Carlisle) never went to a Ballet Rehearsal
. Amelia turned out to be a tremendously knowledgeable, energetic, and talented snorkeler, naturalist and kayak pilot. She also knew how to raise and lower the sails and keep her footing on the bow pulpit (or whatever you call that part of the front of the ship where the “Jib” thing is).
The low draft of the sailboat allowed us to be one of the only vessels that could enter the offshore Key West National Wildlife Refuge. Thanks to the ¾ length wetsuits, we snorkeled for almost 1 hour observing a Moray Eel, lots of Angel fish, a sting ray and lots of other fish and sponges. This place is not on the level of Key Largo’s Pennekamp State Park. It is not very colorful and visibility could have been better. But, it was likely one of the best snorkel spots in the area.
Our Kayak trip was very exciting. We anchored offshore from Mangrove islands and paddled in weaving in and out of narrow Mangrove tunnels and out into large bays with lots of interesting birds. At one point, we beached and walked around. I learned even more about the different kind of Mangroves and how they disperse the salt from the water.
On the way back in, Captain Wendy chased (not literally chased, but approached in a cautious and non-threating manner) some Dolphin. One was a mom who was evidently showing off her baby. They do that. Just like Humans.
They served up some great food on the ship and opened up a cooler with lots of beer, wine, etc. It was a tremendous experience amplified by the extremely talented captain and crew who were, did I fail to mention, wearing bikinis?
Walking back to the cottage, we passed a 58/59 Vette parked on the front patio of a local bar. I was then reminded of the fact that today was – St. Patrick’s Day! There were amazing sights to behold which I did not react quickly enough to capture on film – the most notable of which was an ultra-mini skirted, long legged blond with high-thigh white stockings with green four leaf clovers all over them, 6-inch green platform heels and a green sparkly top that left nothing to the imagination. St. Patrick would have been proud.
Go out to dinner in with these nuts? Nope! Duetto Pizza was recommended. They delivered for free. Made use of our kitchen oven for the first time to reheat some slices. Excellent pizza cooked and delivered by folks that spoke perfect Italian!
Danger - It's St. Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Key West, Florida, United States
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