The Long Goodbye

Monday, June 12, 2006
New York, New York, United States
He Said:

We decided to leave New York City the way most people arrived - by going to Ellis Island, a place neither one of us had visited in our seven years in the city . I found entries and photographs from my distant relatives as they made their way into the United States from Bavaria, and I couldn't help but wonder if I could: A) grow a beard that long by the time this trip is over, B) out drink my German ancestry when we're at Oktoberfest, or most likely, C) stay at the Ellis Island research computers long enough to get the Lets-Go, I-Have-To-Go-To-The-Bathroom stare from my wife.

It was a difficult week for both of us leaving our Greenwich Village apartment, our friends and family, or jobs, and of course our money that we decided was best left in the hands of the teller women at the Belmont Race Track. New York will always be home, though. It is a place where everyone fits in, and we were both lucky that it fit in with us.

My wife used to watch that HBO show about the four sex fiends living in New York, and I remember overhearing a bit of dialogue on the fact that New Yorkers have an actual relationship with the city in which they live . This is totally true. You hate it sometimes, you love it most of the time, and every once in a while you just have to admit the truth: OK, fine, I watched the show, and I'm in love with Kristen Davis.

She Said:

I don't wonder if I can grow a beard as long as Jacob Stamm, however, as I stare at my husband searching the archives for the entire 29 minutes allotted to him, I wonder how many "alone" days we will need to take while Chad looks at every painting in the Louvre, ugh! I am also wondering how easily I will be able to find that all-too-visited bathroom (thank goodness for Charmin-To-Go!). I will wait patiently at the cafe, sipping my latte while I wait for my husband to soak it all in and enjoy everything he has been reading and learning about. Yes, that is how this trip will go. Chad has planned like a champ, while I did the wedding, he has worked very hard on the guidebook and all the details involved in making this our trip of a lifetime.

While all the uncertainty of traveling and moving roams my mind, my greatest challenge has been remaining in the moment. It has been a lesson in and of itself, but a great one at that. With all the hustle and bustle of NYC, I tend to forget to just be. Don't get me wrong, I will miss NY more than I ever imagined. We are leaving behind a wonderful apartment on Bleecker Street where we have made some amazing memories and grown into the couple we are today. I am leaving a job I love, and co-workers/bosses that I am proud to call my friends. We are leaving great friends and family, those of whom have made our NY experience what it is....I thank each and every one of you for the memories.

It's time to see what's next...First we drop our stuff in Colorado, and then we are off to Dublin Wednesday. From there, who knows which way the wind will blow us...We hope you will enjoy our adventure along with us!
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