He Said:
We flew to Colorado for exactly 28 hours, which was just shorter than any other stay we'll have on this trip and was just longer than Alli's stay in the Ellis Island bathroom. We had a nice visit with everyone out there, and we're kind of lucky it was such a short goodbye. If it were any longer Alli's sister, Jen, would need new tear ducts.
We've run into a bit of adversity already, too. It seems United Airlines is at the last minute eliminating unaccompanied pass riders for the summer, which was one of Rich and Sherry's generous gifts to us. So the four us sat down before we left for Colorado and searched the web for the cheapest flights to anywhere in Europe since we really don't have a schedule. The best option turned out to be 240 dollars to Dublin, proving that, yes, there are such things as leprechauns. We leave Wednesday night at 10:30, arrive in Dublin on Thursday at 6:30am, and that should put us at the Guinness brewery some time around 7:45 - in the morning.
She Said:
OK, for the record, there was a line for the Ellis Island bathroom! Colorado was short and sweet. There's nothing like some last minute loving from your niece and nephew, despite the runny noses and coughing (I have never taken so much Airborne in such a short amount of time!). So we dropped our stuff at my mom's house and said, "see you soon."
As for the itinerary change, it's a good thing they make extra strength Tums! Now all we have to worry about is Chad drowning himself in a Guinness before noon.
Off we go tomorrow night...to be continued!
The Short Goodbye
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Denver, Colorado, United States
Other Entries
1The Long Goodbye
Jun 121 day priorNew York, United Statesphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
2The Short Goodbye
Jun 13Denver, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
3Heaven´s Gate
Jun 185 days laterDublin, Irelandphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 0 -
Jun 185 days laterPorto, Portugalphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
5We're in Lisbon, Not Detox
Jun 207 days laterLisbon, Portugalphoto_camera23videocam 0comment 1 -
6Sun, Sand, Sebastao, Spiders, and... (Honeymoon)
Jun 2411 days laterSalema, Portugalphoto_camera18videocam 0comment 0 -
7Death in the Afternoon
Jun 2815 days laterSevilla, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera29videocam 0comment 0 -
8My Patron Saint vs. Ditka
Jun 3017 days laterArcos de la Frontera, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
9The Cask of Amontillado
Jul 0118 days laterJerez de la Frontera, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 1 -
Jul 0320 days laterRonda de la Frontera, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
11Madrid, USA
Jul 0724 days laterMadrid, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera15videocam 1comment 0 -
12Toledo and an Apology to the People of Ohio
Jul 0825 days laterToledo, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 0 -
13Gaudi and Our Olympic Dreams
Jul 1330 days laterBarcelona, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera45videocam 0comment 1 -
14Bastille Day and Le Tour de ChAlli
Jul 1633 days laterMontpellier and Beziers, Francephoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
15Were the Romans Really Gator Fans?
Jul 1835 days laterNimes and Pont du Gard, Francephoto_camera12videocam 0comment 0 -
16Searching for Van Gogh's Ear
Jul 2239 days laterArles, Les Baux, and St-Remy, Francephoto_camera33videocam 0comment 1 -
17Wonder Why We Ever Go Home
Jul 2643 days laterIsle-sur-la-Sorgue, Francephoto_camera20videocam 0comment 0 -
18The Cote d'Azur and a Birthday Wish from Monaco
Jul 2946 days laterNice, Francephoto_camera25videocam 0comment 0 -
19The Italian Riviera
Aug 0250 days laterCinque Terre, Italyphoto_camera22videocam 0comment 0 -
20The Leaning Tower of Tourists
Aug 0250 days laterPisa, Italyphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 0 -
21Wash Uffize Drive Me to Firenze
Aug 0553 days laterFlorence, Italyphoto_camera25videocam 0comment 2