Arrived at Sunrise RV Park at noon. $40/night with no discounts. Small park with too many trees to set up satellite dish but they had cable TV. The channels are minimal and horrible - nothing we like to watch except local news.
After lunch we rode our Spyder out to Hyalite Canyon. It was beautiful and followed the Longhorn Creek. There were some lovely campgrounds where you could camp along the river. With all the evergreens it reminded me of the Black Hills.
Next we stopped at Rocky Mountain Museum which is connected to the Montana State University. The university had a huge football stadium. The museum had an interesting section on dinosaurs and guitars. Also interesting was the Taylor Planetarium which showed a documentary called, “The Dark Matter Mystery”. The scientists are try to discover what dark matter is made of. It’s the glue that hold our galaxys together. Our sun is part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Which makes one feel pretty small and insignificant when there could be millions of galaxys. Interesting but pricey at $27 for 2 people.
Murray was hurting bad after this busy day.