We headed out about 8:00 am. Stopped for diesel at the Fly J. 43.860 gals at 3.259/gal for total of $142.94.
Drove on I90 to Hwy 287 then Hwy 2 and turned on to State road 89. We basically took a short cut north avoiding going to Butte. South of Two Medicine town we ran into 2 miles of construction on a rough gravel road.
Before that we drove through Choteau (known for dinosaur digs} and stopped at Augusta for lunch in the rig.
The last town before Glacier Park was Browning, home of the Blackfoot Indian. Seemed like we were driving through a huge reservation. This is where we took Hwy 464 for a while then Hwy 89 avoiding a 5 mile strip of gravelly road construction.
We arrived at Johnson’s of St Mary RV Park by 3:30 pm. 4150 for 4 nights. We have a grassy site with a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains and St. Mary Lake. Too bad the smoke veils our view.