Heading to Glenwood Springs, CO

Saturday, September 14, 2019
Glenwood Springs, Colorado, United States
Left High Plains at 7:50 am. The roads were like washboards when we entered Colorado. Then we gained another hour.
Stopped at Loves for fuel. $2.949/gal.  37.357 gals. Total $110.17
 Idaho Springs looks interesting. Georgetown has a lake. There is a Silver Spur railroad in Silver Spur. At 1:45 pm we stopped at Walmart in Frisco.
Vail Pass was at 10,400’
Arrived at Amis Acres Campground in Glenwood Springs, CO at 3:30 pm after 412 miles. Couldn’t get in anywhere else - all booked. It was rustic but ok. Cost $45.00

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