Heading to Beaver, Utah

Sunday, September 15, 2019
Beaver, Utah, United States
Left Amis Campground at 7:55 am.
Back on the I70 W.
Saw a dam on the Colorado River before Grand Junction. Grand Junction is known as the Motorcycle Speedway. Dinosaur Museum in Fruita, CO. 
Stopped in Green River for fuel  $2.989/gal.  35.186 gals. Total $105.17.
Bought 2 melons - cantaloupe $2.50. Dark red seedless was $7.50 at Vetere Melons (since 1958) roadside stand.
After Green River and as we drove into Utah we saw the Goblin Valley. The scenery was spectacular! Went for miles and miles.
Arrived at Beaver Camperland in Beaver at 3:00 pm. Drove 374 miles.  Cost $38.50 with Good Sam discount. The guy just took it automatically-said doesn’t ask anymore, everyone has a discount of some kind. Wasn’t too hot but had air on to keep temperature down.

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