Apart from Gros Morne, Fogo was my favourite part of Newfoundland. It's far enough from the Trans-Canada Highway that many tourists skip it (plus the 40-minute ferry ride). Until the new ferry comes into service, the old one is damaged, with one ramp inoperative, so you have to either drive on and reverse off, or reverse on and drive off. That is just one small example of what makes Newfoundland special. If Newfoudlanders ran the TTC, the service would be just as bad, but it would be more fun.
There are some nice short trails. Several small museums that only get a handful of visitors per day. You get a personal tour, and the custodian/docent is a local resident who will chat with you all day (though this is not compulsory) about local history and current issues on the island.
For example, what about the Fogo Inn, looking spectacularly out of place in this backwater, which charges up to several thousand dollars a night. We spoke to a woman who was the owner's best friend at school, and were dismayed to learn that she now pretends she doesn't know her. We also had a tour of the splendid inn, free with donation requested. Not to be smug, but we felt we had stayed in nicer places for less money. Much less.