02 Connecticut

Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Southbury, Connecticut, United States
On October 26, I left Mississauga fully loaded with Baby Too on the front bumper (actually on a Class 3 hitch using a neat “add-a-bike” carrier with no straps). After coffee
at the Braithwaite's in Guelph, I redirected my abode toward London to visit Pete & Lois . Had a great time sharing our travels over the past six months and playing games into the early morning hours. Left early the next morning to team up with Cindy and Bogie south of Toledo – she drove from Milwaukee through Chicago; I had no trouble at the border again :))). We found
a Motel 6 near Cleveland for the night before heading to Connecticut.

Arrived in Chester after a long day of driving (having Baby on the front bumper obstructs my headlights at night but I can still see far enough up the road to drive) to visit Billy and Nancy who are old friends of Cindy. Had a great visit and got to tour the beautiful countryside with curvy roads in a couple of Ford powered Cobras. The small-block racing engine with nearly six-hundred horse-power in a two-thousand-two-hundred pound car provides mind-boggling acceleration and handling from eighty to one-hundred-and-forty miles-per-hour (make sure ones tires are heated first); maybe I can corral one of these beauties in my next life :))) . Cindy's smiles also came quickly when riding a one-horse power transporter in the abutting State Forest. Also, check out the pictures of Billy's log structures – the barns, buildings and houses are awesome. Nancy hosted a Halloween dinner for twelve that turned out really well – scrumptious food and a good time had by all with minimal energy expended.

Hated to leave on Tuesday but some people have to work and we need to continue our southward meandering before the snow arrives. Spent two days at Carl and Nicki's (Cindy's sister) further west in the Southbury area; attended and cheered for her daughter's field-hockey team the first night – they won BUT Alexa hurt her knee during the game and won't be able to play in the upcoming state championship :(((.

Our travelling so far has picked routes to bypass New York City... Off again tomorrow, meandering south notes will be posted whenever Internet and time is available...

Regards... TomB


Abe Birenbaum

Beautiful pictures. Continued safe and interesting travel


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