Although the Everglades only has two seasons, dry and wet, I'm sticking to my northern views on the title of this late issued chapter in my life.
We've emptied out Cindy's storage locker and are now awaiting a moving pod for the shift to “The River” (aka shed) in Wisconsin (which saves $90 a month)
. One can read into this that the Glade Hut is a little crowded at the moment :)).
Bogie lured a 14-15 foot Crocodile into the water while we were paddling on Nine Mile Pond where we christening Erik Too (I am really happy with the way this kayak handles). Subsequent to this scare, gators ate a dog next to the Anhinga Trail in front of a bunch of kids – not a pretty picture.
I am currently covered in Poison Ivy and Poison Wood (which is much worse); also have now identified and seen the deadly Manchineel tree (eat the apple or leaf and die). All of this, of course, is due to my volunteer “job” killing exotics four days a week. At least it gets me outdoors....
Gave Erik Too his ocean christening by camping one night on Sable Beach. Paddled twenty kilometres from Flamingo to view the new dams being built to help correct sea erosion caused by man's previous sins, then setup the tent on East Cape Sable beach on its ten mile stretch
. Except for fishing boats, this is a beautiful pristine area that has a white beach made from tide ground seashells. Erik Too performed admirably in the storm waves on my return and launching was relatively easy in two to three foot waves.
Delivered goodies to Danny and Amanda in Tampa plus visited Ron and Jan; a fun weekend only tempered by lots of driving. Amanda is expecting to deliver Cindy a granddaughter in July.
Had a great day with Moyra and Dave at the Key Largo Seafood Festival where we actually ate at Alabama Jack's. They had just returned from a ten day exotic cruise to many islands.
Saw my first deer in both the Everglades and Big Cypress for this year. Seen lots more now that the babies have arrived. Camped at Bear Island in the Big Cypress – really relaxing weekend. Saw my first (this year) Black Racer and was really sad seeing a dead Diamond-back Rattlesnake that some idiot had hacked to death
. It is still lots of fun watching hundreds of Ibis flocking to a Cypress dome for the evening.
Visited the orchid orchard to see how they are doing – no blooms expected until March; ran out of gas near Flamingo – boater came to my rescue (really appreciated since I still had two miles to push Baby).
Had a moonlight picnic at Fairchild Gardens – great ambiance, wine and food amongst millions of world flowers and trees. Have to return sometime to view these gardens in the daytime.
Catbirds “meowing” morning and evening now; but a Cardinal has taken over the chore of morning alarm clock. Took Bogie to Saint Anne's Beach (mile marker 70) for a swim – he loves the water and his feet didn't touch the sand for an hour as we swam around with our flippers lounging in the warm ocean.
The Swallow-tailed Kite returned February 28; such a graceful bird in flight
. Also visited South Beach to see Zach & Shari before they trek around the world for a few months
Revisited the orchids – only the huge Cow Horn Orchid was in bloom. Also had a night on Pearl Bay Chickee with Cindy. The stars are fabulous (even saw all of the Little Dipper) and the serenity was wonderful.
Currently planning my week-long kayak trip for early April which will focus on the Graveyard Creek area (see next posting) plus gearing up for our trip to the northwest in the summer. As you've probably noticed, volunteer work is cutting into my postings)...
- For more on Erik Too go to
- For more on Manchineel go to
05 Everglades Winter
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Pearl Bay Everglades, Florida, United States
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