01 November-February

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Pinecrest, Florida, United States
I've been lazy recording my travels these past four months; so using a cold spell to advantage (dropped into the 40's F last week), I'm pounding the keyboard to stay warm while trying to recreate events. Hopefully I haven't missed out on too many of the important historical moments.

Left Mississauga in late October and connected back up with Cindy south of Cincinnati heading for Tampa to see her daughter and new Granddaughter . I had wheel problems (somebody at Mom's place removed balance weights on two rims which I had to fix in Windsor due to wobble). The rest of the trip south was uneventful; just the way I like it.

Cindy was worried about Bogie's cough spreading germs to her grand-daughter, so we headed for Mitchell's Landing without her, arriving on Halloween eve. This terrific free campground was
undergoing major upgrades (probably not) to add picnic tables on concrete slabs, light hangers, sod and campsite numbers. I added initials to the concrete at my favourite spot and also tagged Moyra & Dave's site :). The best part of this campground is having morning coffee at the landing – it is so peaceful and the birds provide constant entertainment. The night stars are also terrific (except toward the east due to Miami lights).

We arrived at Glade Hut on Guy Fawkes day so Cindy could start work. Park service couldn't use me this year cause I don't have a special green card (they thought I was a Yankee last year) and there are problems if I get hurt on the job (such as breathing toxic spray) . I now have lots of time to fix everything up (like Slider's leak when driving in the rain) and have fun. On the down side, I am shelling out US$5K over four months to replace a split molar I removed a year ago.

We spent pre-Xmas in Tampa with Cindy's kids/significant-others – had a good family time and returned to the Everglades for Xmas day for Cindy's work. According to Mom, Mississauga is having one of its warmest winters in memory. Spent New Years eve at Mitchell's Landing
where I lucked into a decent site amongst all the Canadians who takeover this area for about a month (two-weeks prior and ten days after the New Year as per Big Cypress regulations).

Met up with Moyra and Dave at Mitchell's Landing in January where they showed off their new truck and ritzy trailer; the evening campfires and morning coffees at the Landing where great. They also shared our driveway for a few days while exploring the Everglades with hikes and canoeing .

I paddled to Sable Beach to espy rarely sighted Flamingos on Lake Ingraham but the wind was too strong to paddle there and return. However, the stars are awesome here without the interfering city lights; spent days being a beach-bum hiking along the shore. Due to strong winds, I left at five in the morning on my return, steering by starlight about three miles from shore – definitely an interesting new experience in the pitch black seas.

Finally got to return to Bear Island last weekend – this is one free camping spot (this may be the last year :(..)where there is no time-limit for staying. The best time is sunset by the slough when the Ibis and Herons swoop in by the hundreds to roost.

I will become more fervent updating this blog over the rest of the winter. In mid March, I fly to Turkey to see Aaron and his fiancee Sue.

SPOT ocations:
http://maps .google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=43.54739,-79.68604&ll=25.75424,-80.927&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
Mitchell's Landing Big Cypress National Preserve
Glade Hut Everglades National Park
Sable Beach Everglades National Park
Bear Island Big Cypress National Preserve



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