01 Snow Evasion

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Alexander Springs Recreation Area, Florida, United States
Reclaimed Conner, the trailer, at Bridget's then had a great lunch-time visit with homemade apple-squash soup and tea. Programmed Cincinnati into the Marco, the GPS, and it steered me toward Detroit which will make it a much shorter day when I cross the border in the morning; normally, I cross at Fort Erie and wind my way down to Hwy#95. Gave the good news to Cindy and we decided to meet near Indianapolis which will be easier for her to reach.
The weather is currently below freezing so I decided to hole up in Windsor at the Budget Inn where for Cdn$50 I get to sleep in the warmth and cross the border at a decent time plus use the Internet to find an easy meeting spot for Cindy and I.
After getting hassled by another obnoxious border guard, I drove through Michigan, Ohio and into Indiana before Storm decided to blow another sparkplug. Found a Cuban refugee who came by boat to Florida forty years ago; fixed Storm using the blown parts – cost $20 :). Continued on and got to the motel half an hour before Cindy arrived.
After a shower and leisurely breakfast we set off into Kentucky, Tennessee and ended up staying the night in northern Georgia. On the way Marco, our Garmin, diverted us East and saved a ton of time since the highway in front of us had been shut down. Had an inexpensive, but really good, dinner at a Mexican restaurant that ended up being packed by the time we finished our meal. Listened to the Chatanooga Choo-choos overnight.
Another leisurely breakfast was followed by a drive to southern Georgia where we couldn't find a hotel but saw lots of cotton fields, so we continued on into northern Florida where another EnonoLodge came to our rescue in time for the Michigan football game. Pizza, salad and wine was the recipe during the game.
Pushed off fairly early the next day for Ocala National Forest (one of my favourite haunts in Florida) Alexander Springs where they finally gave us a campsite for three nights. Although the campground full sign was displayed there was lots of campsites available – weird way to run a campground though the camp managers (aka hosts) kept the campground and associated bathrooms immaculate. There was no mosquitoes but lots of bats.
After a leisurely three days we are headed to Tampa to share Thanksgiving with The Burke's... Stay tuned for the next blog.
  • Diesel is US$1.00 more expensive than gasoline.



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