06 South Again

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Long Pine Key Campground, Florida, United States
Left Tampa wending our way back to the Everglades National Park (NP). Our first stop to break up the trip was a night at Collier-Seminole State Park (SP) where the weather was nice and the mosquitoes rare.
Continued on to Long Pine Key (LPK) campground in Everglades NP where we got hassled for spending too much time this season even though the campground never filled up while we were here! Our goal was to finish up Cindy's medical/dental appointments and say goodbye to our friends for the season. Our first guests were Mike and Myra which we hadn't seen for a couple of years; we had a great lunch followed by a hike around the Anhinga Trail. Also shared drinks with Lauren who now works at Congaree NP in South Carolina; her Slash Pines planted in the Everglades are doing well and are now much taller than her.
Went to a memorial get-together for Ron Neuhring on Sunday – too many great people are dropping by the wayside. It might have something to do with my age as well. I learned lots from Ron when it came to photography with a focus on patience. The get-together with sharing was very appropriate.
Had a great visit and dinner at Captain's Tavern with Joe and Georgia; I foresee another dog for them on the horizon along with a new mountain top retreat in North Carolina. The finale, was a late lunch at a Thai restaurant with Rich and Wendy plus Harry and Barbara. Lots of sharing and expect to stay in touch while we do our Canadian travels this summer.
On Thursday morning while Cindy headed for a Miami skin doctor appointment, I collapsed our refuge and reconnected the trailer before heading out for the slow trip to middle and northern Florida. Stay tuned for a month's worth of updates... soon...
  • Canadian Postal Code accepted as ZIP at gas stations by using numbers plus 00.
  • My apologies to Louie and Alice Toth for not finding time to visit you again in Flamingo.



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