Twas sad leaving the Everglades, but
this time of year will soon become too hot to enjoy (especially for
Cindy). Headed NorthWest along the Tamiami Trail and ducked onto Loop
Road to end up at Mitchell's Landing in the Big Cypress National
Preserve (NP). Morning coffee at the Airboat Landing is a joy along
with the night sky in the evenings.
Off again early the next morning with a
quick stop in Everglades City for a couple of meals of fish before
heading north to the Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest (SF) where we
parked in our regular spot tucked under a Live Oak tree. Although a
great place for star watching, a full moon and clouds destroyed all
our chances for a good glimpse of the heavens. The hiking is
reasonably good here along the trails (including the horse variety)
with lots of Barred Owls hooting at dawn and dusk and Swallow-Tailed
Kites swooping during the daytime.
After a long night of rain, we had
coffee and prepared to leave BUT Storm would not start though all the
lights came on when I turned the key.
The Park Rangers tried to jump
start us but we eventually called in a tow-truck. I disconnected
Connor the trailer as Storm had a sad ride into LaBelle to get fixed;
while there I also asked them to check out the four-wheel drive. The
problem was a dead battery in my key; of-course, my alternate
magnetic key had disappeared somewhere over six years of off-road
bumps. They say my four-wheel drive is working but I am still
suspicious that the front gear whine over this winter season means it
isn't really fixed.
The next morning, Cindy continued
towards Naples to visit Skip and Marie while I returned to recover
the trailer before heading to a great restaurant (I had a couple of
Spring Rolls|) and meeting up with the three of them. While
recovering Connor, I got to see the huge ten foot plus Gator plus a
closeup view of a Kara-Kara. Skip & Marie's Condo near downtown
Naples is really nice, plus close to all the amenities including
Continued on to Amanda & Danny's
for some relaxation and help out a bit during the kids March break
plus allowing Cindy to claim her trail ride Xmas present.
It was neat
to see three generations of Cowgirls (Harper, Amanda and Cindy) go
for a ride while Danny, Hadley, Henry and I went out for a huge
breakfast. Strawberry picking was also on the agenda – Henry
collected bugs and somehow, Hadley's basket remained empty (but not
her tummy).
After a quick shopping trip to Trader
|Joe's, I set off to Alexander Springs in the Ocala National Forest
(NF) while Cindy stayed one extra day. Besides being peaceful (except
for a Friday night party), firewood was plentiful. In a trip to
Ocala, I purchased two new tires for Connor and managed to sell Baby
for US$250. Since this 2008 Honda CRF230L stopped running (wiring
problem) plus it needs new sprockets and tires along with new brakes
and throttle cable, I feel that this was a fair price; the mechanic
bought it as a summer project to give his girlfriend a trail-bike. The FireFlies at night are spectacular in the NF; so many flitting about close to the ground.
The last part of the Florida trip will
be from the PanHandle...
Stay tuned...
- For the same services as Bear Island (US$5/10), Mitchell's Landing (US$12/24) is definitely overpriced; ergo, nobody camps here anymore even with GoldenAge Pass.
- Motel bad review when shower tap didn't work; subsequently updated after super-service.
- Randy's Garage great; 741 S Bridge St LaBelle FL 33935.
- Big Cypress NP Mitchell's Landing 2019 03 14:,-80.92636&ll=25.75436,-80.92636&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
- Okaloacoochee Slough SF 2019 03 15-18:,-81.29165&ll=26.53892,-81.29165&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
- River's Edge Motel 2019 03 19:,-81.43951&ll=26.77035,-81.43951&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
- The Burkes in Tampa 2019 03 20-24:
- Ocala NF Alexander Springs 2019 03 25-31:,-81.58380&ll=29.07694,-81.58380&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
Coral beans look spectacular!