05 Ocala NF

Thursday, January 18, 2024
Alexander Springs Recreation Area, Florida, United States
Left Zach and Shari's Miami house and headed up South Dixie Highway (US#1) then Highway 95 and 40 for Hopkins Prairie in the Ocala National Forest (NF) – about a six hour trip. We snagged the best site, number twenty, and settled in for a week of quietness. That night we found a sleezy Irish bar that had TV coverage of the University of Michigan versus Washington State football game; Michigan won handily to become National Champions.
The weather was great all week but a big rain storm hit on Tuesday while we were shopping in Ocala. On the MLK (Martin Luther King) long weekend we watched the Greenbay Packers beat the Dallas Cowboys (using rabbit ears) in an NFL Wildcard game.
Pulled up roots on Tuesday and headed to Alexander Springs which is still in the Ocala NF. Friends Carol and Chris from Colorado with their son Nick (who lives in Oregon) met us for a couple of days camping; we loaned them our two-man and four-man tents for accomodations. Cindy was feeling a little under the weather but we still launched the canoe a couple of times so the Westerners could paddle in the Alexander River. We had great evening fires with Nick splitting the logs and fanning the flames. On the last day, they visited Blue Springs State Park and saw over six hundred Manatees that arrived during a cold spell; the springs keep them warm.
From Ocala NF we headed to Tampa... Stay tuned for that short Blog which will have tons of pictures.
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