With BlackFlies driving us away from Cindy's land, we headed West on US #2 where we crossed into Michigan then Wisconsin again before hitting Minnesota. We are heading West on US Highway #2 until we head North into Canada from Montana. Our first stop was Lake Bemidji State Park (SP) in Minnesota where very few campers were present; the park ranger even let us exercise Yukon off leash with his Frisbee. This park was inexpensive, clean and had free WiFi.
Off again with bagels and cream cheese, we drove into North Dakota. We saw our first Magpie flying across the road and also hundreds of assorted ducks in the numerous ponds. When we hit Minot ND, it was time to search for a spot for the night; our GPS took us to the Roughrider RV Resort on the banks of the Souris River. The people are super friendly out West and since camping season has yet to start, we were given a great rate for not hooking up. Yukon got lots of exercise chasing his Frisbee in the vacant tent area while we relaxed.
On the road shortly after 08:00, we crossed into Montana. The past couple of days have included significant smoke from Canadian fires; all USA news programs advertise this tidbit. As supper time approached we hunted for a home and ended up at the Nelson Reservoir Recreation Area. This free camping area was sparsely used and was wonderful for Yukon chasing his Frisbee. The reservoir/lake even had White Pelicans and lots of ducks.
Off again early, we saw many Pronghorns grazing near the thousands of cattle. Our destination was the Many Glacier Campground in Glacier National Park (NP). When we arrived, the campground was closed until early June! Backtracking we found a random camping spot alongside the Saint Mary River where we dined around our campfire looking at the Rockies in the distance. One does not get to see sunset when it is blocked by the mountains.
Tomorrow we will head North to Canada. Stay tuned for our next Blog.
- Duluth MN road detours are still a disaster
- Our Souris River canoe slept by the Souris River in ND :)
- Lake Bemidji SP MN 2024 05 12: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=47.53588,-94.82538&ll=47.53588,-94.82538&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
- Roughrider RV Resort Minot ND 2024 05 13: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4ujwLEuCRfScMxaB6
- Nelson Reservoir Rec Area MT 2024 05 14: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1dK6v7FN67AuZLuw8
- St Mary MT Random 2024 05 15: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=48.80088,-113.41103&ll=48.80088,-113.41103&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
Have a great time guys!!!