Israeli Prophet and Pissing Off Grandma

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New York, New York, United States
After our 2008 celebrations, at about 3am we decide to head towards the train station to get the last train for "the evening" instead of going to the after-party. My feet were tired! So we go, and I snap more fun pictures of the city. When we arrive at Penn Station, I try snapping some pictures of us, because what is cooler than subway pics, really? A man with a heavy accent steps in and takes our picture. He asserts that he is a photographer. Of course, we're always mindful of the situation, but we strike up a conversation with this young-ish subway-ite. Since we only had about 20 minutes until our train departure, we asked him if he'd like to come along for some coffee.
We climb the steps with our new friend and find that french bread place and sit down . And although it was just 15 minutes, our conversation was quite deep. We find out that he is originally from Israel and 30 (he looked way older than 30). He was quite prophetic in his discussions, talking about his life and principles. He was saying that when in love situations, that he is generous, and people should be - one should say what is in one's heart. It's like a circle (Popular adage is appropriate here: The love you give is equal to the love you make). In life, one should go with what feels good intuitively even if that means leaving other things that were previously prepared. We said goodnight to our Israeli friend (even got his phone number), he would be in the area for a couple days (or a couple weeks - he wasn't sure) and ran off to catch our train.
NJ Transit late at night (or early) is pretty damn funny. People are usually loud, funny, and silly. I got in a conversation about hockey with some canadians next to me. I love canadians because they talk so passionately about their hockey (among other things that I love them for) . I was trying to help out a girl on the train needing a taxi (I had a few numbers in my cell phone because I come prepared!).
I get home at about 6am. My parents aren't at home at this time (in Florida) and so it's just me and sis. I get some sleep before Grandma calls at about 10:30 confirming that me and sis will go down to her house for New Years Day dinner. She says "Come 4, 5:00"  So I said, "Ok, Grandma" (Thinking to myself that it'll definitely be 5:00). I sleep until about 3:30 pm when I get frantic text messages from sis around 4:00 "Where are you??? Grandma is expecting you!!!"  I was planning for 5:00! Apparently, they were talking 4:00 instead. Now, something to keep in mind - the previous evening my sister was stupid and told my grandmother that I was going to Times Square for New Years! You just don't tell Grandma this - cause, it's not true anyway! I wouldn't go to Times Square - that would be dumb! So, I get to Grandma's on time (my time) and she's bustin on me "Where have you been??? This is what you get for staying out all night!!!"  I'm very lethargic and pretty much layin my head on my sister the whole evening. Hehe.

But fun was had by all in my favorite city!!



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