Hangin' with Vlad and The Saw Doctors!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
New York, New York, United States
After my only student of the day, I headed in by bus to the city. I was originally heading in to meet up with my Irish and Celtic music group and then go to the Saw Doctors, but then I decided to go in early and hang out with Vlad Vines (Mitch our church choir director)! I met him after I got in at Port Authority. We witnessed a "Free Tibet" protest - this was the first protest I had ever seen in NYC (although I had seen protests in other cities). Well, these people have America as their place to protest - it certainly can't be done in China! After I accidentally got caught up in the protest, we browsed around the area. We went to the M&Ms store (the gypsy made me do it), and a few music stores. Mitch got a mic stand in Sam Ash then we went on to Colony's to check out sheet music. It is definitely a nice place! Afterwards, we checked out Hell's Kitchen and he brought me to Amy's Bread. We were distracted by a gentleman loudly, in an overly intelligent New Yorker accent (think yuppie), trying to teach an eight-year-old how to play chess. We had a nice time and covered lots of ground, we both walked around times square to pick up the subway - he went uptown, I went downtown.

I was a little late getting down to Ulysses down near Wall Street - I didn't realize the ride would take so long but no worries since only two others were there . We stayed at the bar inside for awhile and then went outside to the picnic tables to order some appetizers. I loved the street we were on because it was like how old new york must have looked - with cobblestones and streets wide enough for foot traffic only. I got to know a lot of members of the group. I met a girl who was born in Cork and moved when she was young to the US and then was a nurse for a little while in Ireland about three years ago. She told me that she still sort of has an Irish boyfriend over there and they talk through skype. Her and another group member told me that I should go live over there (yay more inspiration).
A little while later, we made our way down to the Staten Island Ferry area to take the five minute ferry ride to governor's Island to see The Saw Doctors. The Saw Doctors is an Irish rock band that I originally heard about through my Irish uncle's cousins when I was doing some Irish research. They recommended this group to listen to. My Irish and Celtic music group had an event to go see the Saw Doctors, so I decided to get tickets (and on Goldstar they were half price!) When I originally listened to them, (I have to be honest here) they sounded a little watered down U2 style . But, even though I wasn't completely crazy about them after first listen, I continued to get used to the two + albums I downloaded. They still aren't my FAVORITE but I really got to know a lot of their songs and I am starting to catch on to the hype. Irish bands might just have a different sound (duh) and I should get used to it. Plus, it's all for research ;). We took the ferry over and it had been a long time since I had a ferry ride. Some rowdy men (acting like boys) were already lit from being at Ulysses and starting singing "Wild Rover" very loudly. I got some niiiicee sunset pictures of the financial district and of those waterfall installations that I just recently heard about.
The concert was a good time. On the ferry ride back, people were way rowdy and making lots of noise, chanting and singing. I luckily had a subway riding bud and went up to times square to get to port authority. I stopped at Mickey-D's since I had a spare hour. I got a bottle of water and sat at a table for a minute. My sister had her friend prank call me and I actually really believed that someone found my sister's cell phone in a bar and was using it to drunk call everyone on her contacts list . It was loud in McDonalds so I couldn't really tell what the hell the phone call was all about. I woke my mom up because I thought my sister's phone got in the wrong hands, but it was only my sister's friend Gerald playin a trick on me! Dammit! Port Authority was especially filled with freaks as always (but, that's how it has its charm!). I rode home on the bus, with rowdy drunk men (boys, really) and others.

Pet Peeves:
1: People from Bergen county feeling bad for me that I'm so "out there" in Jersey. When I describe where I am, they think I'm in central jersey. They feel bad that I traveled such a LONNGG way. I like public transportation, I can't help it. It's nice to chill out while someone drives you around. I'm only an hour if I drove in. It's just a little longer with a bus or train. It's like these Bergen people have a secret club and if you're a little west you're "OUT THERE"  And, therefore, some sort of primordial alien person. And while I'm at it, it's time people have heard of DOVER. Haven't people seen highway signs that say "Dover"? It's a big landmark when we are talkin about directions (West - Dover, East - New York, etc.).
2: Drunk men on public transportation at 2am arguing about football teams and players. Screw them and their stupid masculine desires for hearing themselves bellow about men wrestling each other over damn pig skin. Who cares. Let's argue about hockey instead. At least a play lasts for more than 10 seconds. AND most hockey players are really hot. My fave (ex-NY Ranger): Niklas Sundstrom (woo he's swedish!). 



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