Day 1 Off to see the wizard, make that SUPERMAN

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
We left at 7 and arrived in Metropolis about 9:45. Oh, the excitement! There was flooding in this town but not in the old town area where the museum is. Susan and I went inside the museum. There is a TON of memorabilia there. Much of it too old for Susan to remember. Then came the shopping! I had to hold her back!!!!!!!!!!!!   They sell everything, even green rocks and glass at healthy prices. She did get several items, at least enough to keep her going for a while.   Not being able to bring the stuff back on a plane helped me with the argument of what to buy.
We drove all the way to Mauston, Wis . We arrived at the Country Inns and Suites at about 8:50. This property is not up to what we expected, but we have been on the road a long time.
I still can not phantom the amount of farm land we have seen.   Miles and hours of fields, mostly corn and some soybeans being planted. The signs say it is for fuel, NOT food. The land was mostly flat as far as you can see. The dirt in Wisconsin is a beautiful black/brown. Ed said it looks like you could throw seeds in and back up [to see it grow.]
They also grow wind turbines along the way.
We paid $3.95 for gas.
Time to visit the sand man.
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Pat & John

How exciting that you are finally off on your big adventure! It was fun to get your blog information first thing this made us want to load our rig up and hit the road also! Have fun and keep those blogs coming!

Cathy Rader

Hello there! It is actually cold here!!! Hope all is well with you all. Be sure and tell Susan hello!!! I will watch for more news from your trip!

Frank and Marianne

Wow------looks like fun, considering the food, rain, wind and a few miles to pound. Speaking of wind, Darel and I retrieved your new grille from your back yard-----almost in nancy's yard. All is well here. Keep the stories coming this way.

Frank and Marianne


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